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Avatarana Uddharana" by Bal Vikas Children from West Godavari Dist. A.P


Watch the Recorded Video Webcast of the Cultural programme
by Devotees from West Godavari Dist., Andhra Pradesh -
Continuing with their devotional spirit, the Parthi Yatra contingent from West Godavari district offered a musical bouquet,  Sri ​Sathya Sai Ganamrutham, this morning, on the Avatar Declaration Day, here in Prasanthi Nilayam.

The programme was an assortment of Telugu devotionals, singing Sathya Sai Avatara Vaibhavam, glory of Sri Sathya Sai Avatar.

Replete with countless attributes of Supreme Godhead, ‘His Story’ is full of tales of matchless…infinite glory. It was these attributes of the attributeless Divine that reflected in this morning’s offering. Some of the songs were, Iti Kailasam…Iti Vaikuntam…, Sai Charanam Pavanam…Sri Sai Charanam Pavanam…Sundaram Sumadhuram…, Yantha Madhuram Yantha Madhuram Nee Naama Smaranam…, Sai Rama Kathamrutham Sravanandamau Kathu…etc.

Sri Sathya Sai Vaibhavam is endless…matchless and eternal!!!

All the participants were felicitated at the end of the programme. An invigorating bhajan session followed, ended with Mangala Arathi at 0945 hrs.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II






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