Sri Sathya Sai Baba Photo


God's grace is the greatest wealth. To consider the amassing of money, gold or other material objects as the ultimate goal is not right. The goal of life instead, should be the acquisition of the divine wealth of God's grace. Try to win His grace by reforming your habits, reducing your desires and refining your nature. One step makes the next one easier; that is the unique quality of the spiritual path. With each step, your strength and confidence increases and you feel the Lord's grace all the more.
- Sai Baba

God's grace is the greatest wealth. To consider the amassing of money, gold or other material objects as the ultimate goal is not right. The goal of life instead, should be the acquisition of the divine wealth of God's grace. Try to win His grace by reforming your habits, reducing your desires and refining your nature. One step makes the next one easier; that is the unique quality of the spiritual path. With each step, your strength and confidence increases and you feel the Lord's grace all the more.

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