As the two-day International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases - The Sri
Sathya Sai Model got underway at the Super Specialty Hospital, Prasanthigram,
Bhagawan drove down to the venue at 11:30 hours this morning, blessing the
occasion, spending around forty-five minutes at the venue.
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& credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,
Picture graphic layout - "SBOI" |
Arriving at the
hospital just after 11:30 hrs. Bhagawan was received by Director, SSSIHMS, Dr.
AN Safaya and Dr. Narendranath Reddy, Chairman, Sri Sathya Sai International
Medical Committee along with scores of other dignitaries.
Bhagawan was soon ushered onto the dais by the organisers. Spending a couple of
minutes onstage, Bhagawan came down the aisle, watching over the proceedings for
sometime. Dr. Sudanshu Bhattacharya, Cardiologists of International repute gave
a brief speech cum presentation. After the presentation Bhagawan blessed the
speaker along with some others before leaving the hall, blessing many enroute.
& credits: copyrights-Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,
Picture graphic layout - "SBOI" |
Blessing hundreds of staffers, who were waiting for a glimpse of the Divine,
Bhagawan left the hospital premises at 12:15 hrs., driving back to Prasanthi
Bhagawan returned to Yajur Mandiram at 12:25 hrs.
In the evening:
Human heart is the centre of feelings and from the feelings
arises human action. When the heart is inscribed with holy
feelings, 'man' becomes man in the truest sense. Prasanthi was
seemed to be airing such a subtle message, this evening, when
one could spot many a heart hanging around bearing holy
inscriptions such as, Love All Seve All, Help Ever Hurt Never,
Service to Man is Service to God etc. , decorating the Sai
Kulwant Hall. At the centre of the hall facing the 'Seat of The
Divine' was a huge LED display, ready to capture The Lord,
awaiting Him to step out of His Abode!
Adding grandeur to this settings were hundreds of medicos, both
men and women, seated in chair on either side of the centre
block. As bhajans went on, all eyes were glued at the Yajur
Mandiram entrance.
The backdrop of the entire scenario was the two day "Internatinal
Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases - The Sathya Sai Way"
being held at SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram.
Bhagawan emerged at 1832 hrs. and came for a full round of
blessings. As The Lord went on completing His round, the LED
display flashed the message TO BE IS TO SERVE...inscribed
against the backdrop of the Temple of Healing in Prasanthigram.
Completing the round, Bhagawan came onstage at 1845 hrs.
escorted by Dr. Safaya and Dr. Narendranatha Reddy. Bhajans
continued for another ten minutes before a group of young
medicos came onstage commencing the proceedings for the evening
turned twilight.
The evening was earmarked for the Medical Fraternity and the
programme was entitled TO BE IS TO SERVE, a 'walkthrough' the
'holistic Medicare Mission envisioned and provided by Bhagawan
showcasing the story of the inception and evolution of Sri
Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital, Prasanthigram. The
forty-five minute presentation commenced with the background of
a little girl, a recipient of holistic medicare at the hospital,
had the tale of the inspiration behind the hospital, sceptical
comments, inception and evolution in the form of various
departments, statistics of services done, miraculous stories of
recovery and stories of Bhagawan's omniscience and expressions
of gratitude etc.
Speaking about the hospital, Dr. HS Bhat, who is popularly known
as the Father of Urology said, he had the occasion to mingle
with many multi-millionaires who had visited the hospital, whom
he had taken for a 'walkthrough' the hospital. At the end of
such rounds, he would often pose a question at these men,
inspiring many such millionaires, as to why don't they start
with such noble noble hospital projects. Replies would often
sound convincingly interesting, "we can't run such a hospital
even for a day", a testimony to the magnificence of the Divinely
run project.
After hearing the story of the hospital and Medicare mission,
impressed upon, convinced thoroughly, as the medicos expressed
their desire to serve at Bhagawan's hospital finally blurting
another to see the 'Inspiration behind the Mission', Bhagawan,
they burst into a song, "Charon Disa Mein..." hailing Him, His
Message and His Mission. Trooping into the centre block the
staffers joined in chorus expressing tribute to the Lord on the
occasion of 85th Year of His Advent.
The forty-five minute presentation was followed by ten minute
interaction between Bhagawan and the two seniors, Dr. Safaya and
Dr. Narendranath Reddy. Climbing down the dais, Bhagawan blessed
the cast before moving around them and posing for group photo
Coming back onstage in fifteen minutes, Bhagawan accepted
Mangala Arathi at 2005 hrs. Leaving the dais Bhagawan soon went
into the interview room for a shortwhile. Coming out shortly,
Bhagawan blessed Dr. A. Thomas Pezzela, M.D., Director and
Founder of the International Children’s Heart Fund, an
organisation that promotes the international growth and quality
of cardiac surgery in children and young adults, before retiring
to Yajur Mandiram at 2015 hrs. Prasadam was distributed to the
entire audience.
There was a special Grama Seva Kitchen allied with other activities
entirely managed by Sevadal force from Andhra Pradesh. Over 340
gents and 50 ladies Sevadals were engaged in various activities that
included helping in cooking, spreading, cooling, transporting to the
packing arena etc, while 28 special cooks from East Godavari
district donned the responsibility of entire cooking. There was
another set of seventy ladies engaged in laddu making happened in
the first floor of South Indian Canteen.
Dignitary visit during the fortnight had Former Loksabha Speaker,
Formerly Home Minister of India and currently Governor of Punjab,
Sri Shivraj Patil. On the day when Bhagawan set out at 11:30 am
Bhagawan, upon returning after the 'safari' blessed Mr. Patil and
group before retiring to Yajur Mandiram.
On the 9th October Bhagawan blessed a group of over 120 specialist
medicos who have come to attenda high-profile Urology Conference at
the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences at
The first week of the fortnight witnessed a cultural programme by
Bihar and Jharkhand, entitled "Maa", a tribute to the institution of
Motherhood. !0th of October witnessed the beauty of Himachal Pradesh
parading forth with the state taking her stake presenting an hour
long cultural presentation. A ten minute folk dance, Karyala, that
turned out to be a real entertainer, was followed by a fifty minute
dance drama Dashaavatar. Burrakatha, the art form, that was more
than lucky to have the touch of the Divine made its entry once again
onto the 'Prasanthi Theatre', with the 'originators', the first
batch of Burrakatha students presenting the story Shiva Parvathi
Kalyanam on the 7th October 2010.
Prasanthi is rivelling in, giving every bit of her life to the folks
thronging unto her. The fortnight experienced unusual rush of
devotees, especially during the dasara festivity.
Prasanthi continues to rejoice, as the countdown has already begun
for the big occasion, 85th Birthday of The Lord.
A two-day International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases,
entitled “International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases —The
Sathya Sai Model” was organised by SSSIHMS at the hospital premises,
on 25th and 26th October, 2010. The conference was blessed by
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
The conference was attended by eminent cardiologists and
cardio-thoracic surgeons from around the world in an endeavour to
share breakthroughs in the field of Cardio Vascular care, with a
focus on administering efficient cardiac care in tune with Bhagawan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba dictum that free healthcare, like free education
and drinking water, is an inalienable right of every individual,
irrespective of race, religion, caste, creed, economic status or
The highlight of the conference was the visit of Bhagawan in the
midst of the conference proceedings. Bhagawan also attended a
presentation on “Redo CABG – Do’s and Don’ts” by the famous
Cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Sudhanshu Bhattacharya.
Director of SSSIHMS, Dr. A.N. Safaya in his welcome address to the
conference said that SSSIHMS is a model established by Bhagawan.
“This hospital is in its 20th year, when it is viable in this remote
village of India, then this model can be emulated all over the
world”, Dr. Safaya said. “Why cannot the richest countries in the
world do something like this,” he asked. Dr. Safaya also deliberated
about the essential element of human care while administering
healthcare. “Treatment should not be like giving penny to a beggar,
but like a rose to God,” he said.
(mouseover the thumbnails for captions)
In his inaugural address Dr. Angelo Thomas Pezella, the director and
founder of the International Children’s Heart Fund, the US,
emphasised that apart from food, water, clothing and shelter, the
basic needs also to include, education, transportation, safety,
empowerment, respect and recognition. Dr. Pezella added that
everyone in this world had a right to adequate standard of living
that would ensure the well being for himself and his family.
Further, Dr. Pezella said he was struck by Bhagawan Baba’s five
principles of healthcare, which are the essential elements of
efficient medical care.
Renowned Indian cardiac surgeon Dr. P. Venugopal, in his keynote
address, dwelt about his experience of working on the SSSIHMS
project and how Bhagawan Baba had guided the project team at every
step. “The general consensus was that a project of this size and
magnitude from construction, completion and commissioning could not
be executed in seven months,” he said while referring to the
deadline Bhagawan Baba had put on the completion of the project. Dr.
Venugopal, however, said that he had felt differently and had
committed to Bhagawan that completion and commissioning of the
project was indeed possible if Bhagawan’s blessings were with them.
“Initially we ran into many roadblocks but at the end of every
roadblock stood Swami and He made the impossible possible. He got
into the bottom of every aspect from medical processes to equipment
from training to principles and guidelines,” he said. “Swami was a
doctor, midwife, mother all rolled into one when it came to
delivering His precious baby — the hospital” he said.
Providing an overview of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Health Mission,
Dr. Narendranath Reddy said that the society of today was caught up
in www — wealth, wealth, wealth. Rather the society should imbue
another set of www — work, worship and wisdom. Looking back at
Puttaparthi Dr. Reddy said that some 60 odd years ago, no facilities
were available at Puttaparthi, but now the face of Puttaparthi has
undergone a complete transformation due to the ‘Love in Action’ of
Bhagawan Baba. Dr. Reddy also highlighted the efficient role played
by the sevadals of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in providing
relief and care across the world.
The two-day conference was divided into 10 sessions where a galaxy
of Cardiologists and Cardiovascular surgeons shared their experience
through various symposia and presentations on topics which included,
congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease, coronary artery
disease, heart failure, cardiac aneurysms, preventive cardiac care,
new vistas in cardiac care among others.
At the end of the conference, the Head of Department of Cardio
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram, Dr. Neelam
Desai expressed in her concluding remarks that the delegates have
been exposed to many advanced technologies and new treatment options
for Cardiovascular diseases during the conference, all would be
missing a golden opportunity if they did not carry along the divine
wisdom from Bhagawan. “Swami says that the road to divinity is
through service...Dedicating even one day a month or some free
procedures a month will go a long way in helping the needy,” she
said. Referring to an interview with Bhagawan, Dr. Desai said that
Bhagwan had emphasised the fact that the main causes behind diabetes
and heart disease were mental anxiety, jealousy, envy and
competitiveness and also hurry, worry and curry. “The preventive
aspect of cardiac care also has to be given importance so that in
future conferences, we should be able to say, ‘last year we did 2-3
surgeries and not 200-300 surgeries’”, she said.
Evening Programme
Human heart is the centre of feelings and from the feelings arises
human action. When the heart is inscribed with holy feelings, 'man'
becomes man in the truest sense. Prasanthi was seemingly airing such
a subtle message when one could spot many a heart hanging around
bearing holy inscriptions such as, Love All Seve All, Help Ever Hurt
Never, Service to Man is Service to God etc., decorating the Sai
Kulwant Hall.
The backdrop of the entire scenario was the two day "International
Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases - The Sathya Sai Way" being
held at SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram.
The conference coincided with the a cultural programme in the
evening put up by the SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram, in the Sai Kulwant
Hall, on 25th evening titled “To Be Is To Serve” as part of
Bhagawan’s 85th birthday celebrations. The programme was in the form
of a docu-drama which showcased the health miracle of SSSIHMS,
Prasanthigram, created by Bhagawan Baba. The doctors from SSSIHMS,
Prasanthigram, took over the various characters in the docu-drama to
emphasise the fact that since its inception the SSSIHMS,
Prasanthigram, had benefited lakhs of people from across the country
and even abroad going beyond the distinctions of caste, creed,
class, race, religion and nationality. By showcasing the experiences
of patients, staff of the hospital and the sevadals the programme
underlined the aspect of the hospital being a temple of divine
transformation, which had not just treated rather transformed lakhs
of people including the staff.
As the programme was coming to close, a final song rang aloud
recapitulating Bhagawan’s teachings on service - “Charo Disha Mein
Hain Chayi Bahaar”. With the song making waves, staffers started
trooping into the centre block joining in chorus. It became an apt
occasion for the hospital to offer tribute to The Lord on the
occasion of 85th birthday.
The programme was greatly appreciated by the delegates of the
conference and also the audience.