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Road Accidents Averted By Lord Sai Baba - Sai Devotee Meera
Lately we have been reading many experiences of Sai Sister Meera Ji with Lord Sai Baba. Below are few of road accidents which were taken care and Meera ji was saved from any big calamity.

Sai Sister Meera Ji from USA says: Dear Hetal ji, These are my past experiences that I recollected after reading other Sai Devotees' experiences. You may post them if you like.
  • Experience 1:

    My brother in law (my husband's sister's husband) was awarded a prestigious degree with honors in the medical field. It was a great event for us to attend GRADUATION like this and we were invited to attend the Graduation ceremony.

    Usually I do not drive in down town area in Atlanta GA. Since both of my sons were not able to go with us due to their job duties, I planned with my sister in law that I and my husband will drive down up to her home and from there we will join them to the place, where this ceremony was going to take place.

    On that day it was raining heavily. On the highway 75, the traffic was moving with just 50 mph. which is too slow compared to 75-80 mph normally. I could have gone with my regular route, but if I take the next exit it would be rather easy. Thinking like this, I kept going towards the next exit other than my usual exit that I was familiar with. I don't know what happened, but my car did not turn at the curve as it should and it just hit the curb that was set up as a divider to the road passing under the highway. Well, I was shocked and did not realize what happened and pressing accelerator little more my car was sitting on the slim curb with all four wheels hanging by the curb. Sounds funny, huh. But that was the fact. And you know I was now much more scarred with a thought that what if the car had moved more above the curb and the car coming from the other side would have caused a great accident as that car driver would never had expected meeting another car like this.

    Well, my husband was on the passenger side and he directed me how to get my car down from the curb. Luckily it got on the road, but the driver side wheel was damaged so it was moving like a limping cow. And the more I got scared the more I lost keeping in lane at the signal. I should have kept my car in the middle lane so as to go straight and from there I had to take a U turn to go to my sister in law's home.

    Instead I was in the left lane, so I had to now follow that lane that was leading to highway. Oh no. Now what to do? Being a huge junction, I slowly reached up to the curb on the opposite side.

    BABA sent an angel in the form of a lady driver, who was coming from the road under the highway. She stopped by my car and gave me encouragement that I need to keep going and she will be driving behind me. So I won't get hit by another speeding car. When I reached on the other side, she suggested me to take the car in the parking lot of the Church, so that I can arrange for towing etc. She came with us into the parking lot too. She waited till we get all arranged with my insurance company and towing service and that she offered us a lift up to my sister in law's home.

    It must have been looking very funny as I was dressed in very typical high profile Punjabi dress and typical Indian Jewelry. Well, she was very very kind and polite and was very patient during the whole situation. When she dropped us at the door of my sister in law's home, I asked for her mailing address and her phone number so that I can send her "a Thank you card" and acknowledge by some token gift.

    She very politely refused to give me her phone number or mailing address saying, it is not needed. And she just told me to help others in need when I see someone in trouble, and that would be her greatest payback. Was that BABA in the form of that kind lady?
  • Experience 2:

    Once I was coming home from work. It was winter evening, so even at 6'o clock, it was getting very dark. I was in the middle lane out of 7 lane highway on 75. Out of blue, my car just stopped. It would not crank at all. Now what? I did not carry cell phone in those days thinking why would I need a cell phone? I just go to work from home and return home and I never had to go any other place on the way to home. Never had any event, where I would need a phone while on the way. I do not like even to use the cell phone while driving.

    I realized how wrong I was thinking this way. Luckily I had thrown my weekly schedule on my side seat instead of keeping that in my purse. And I had a big thick tipped marker pen in my cup holder, (perhaps BABA had equipped me with those things). I was so scared seeing all cars and trucks and various vehicles zooming past by me. Since my car has power windows and doors, I could not even bring down the windows. I wrote on back of my schedule paper "Cell Phone Please" and placed on my window so that cars passing by my car could see that.

    Now imagine, would you have stopped on highway, when you see something like this? Of course I would not have even tried to look what is going on. Well, one gentle man slowed down and brought his car into my lane changing his lane and took his car in reverse mode up to my car. Then he came out of his car, asked me what is the problem. He allowed me to open the door and gave me his cell phone. I called 911 and also called my son at home. Luckily he used to work from home so he was available right at that moment.

    I returned him his cell phone and thanked him, and told him that now he can go as the aid is on the way. He said, no way, he kept his car truck open so that car coming from behind can see "something is wrong" sign and said he will wait there till help reaches. Soon the Police came, he stopped the traffic and allowed us to push my car to the right most curb and then only that gentle man left the scene. I could not even ask his phone number due to my worry "what will happen now?" and I realized my not asking his contact information after he was gone. The towing people came, took my car to the garage and my son brought me home. BABA sent help in the form of that gentle man that I would never forget. My younger son has driven my car one and only one time and that too when this event had to take place. I think this was also BABA's plan!
  • Experience 3:

    My younger son had some diagnostic test for his stomach problem were to be performed. Since the test would make him nauseating and may cause diarrhea, we had to arrange for his ride both ways. My elder son had to go to his office. So he said he can drop him at the hospital and I need to arrange to drop my younger son home after the test completed. Luckily my job place and this hospital building are just a fence apart. So I told my younger son to call me, when his test etc were done and I can take my lunch break accordingly. I had taken prior permission from my manager for a long lunch hour as it would be more than an hour to come back from my home. This test might have caused nausea or diarrhea, so I had to drive. But my son said he feels ok and he would drive. We just got on the highway and just after 2-3 exits my car started stalling. We could not figure out what is causing such trouble. If I were on the driver seat, my car would have been in the middle lane. While my son had not yet changed the lane and we were on the right most lane. He tried again and car started and we reached up to almost at the ramp of that exit. Again car stopped completely. We had to push the car and dragged it into the gas station that was right there at the exit end.

    It was 1:00 pm, bright day. What if I had not been on the road at this time, I would have been on the road at the evening with no cell phone and no help. With my son in the car with me, he used his cell phone and called my other son at his office and even arranged with the towing people to take my car to garage. That was the only time my younger son had driven my small Toyota Tercel and BABA saved me from a great hardship at the late evening time, where I would not have any phone help with me either!
BABA is great!

Jai Sai Ram.

Submitted to SBOI-Group by Hetal Patil Rawat


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