A New Publication
Author: Sri Indulal Shah,
International Advisor, Sri Sathya Sai Organisations
An introduction:
In the Bramha Muhurt of the most auspicious day of
November 23, 1926, God had to descend on this earth in
full form as Poornavatar assuming the name of Sri Sathya
Sai with His Divine Abode at Prashanti Nilayam in the
state of Andhra Pradesh in India for the purpose of
Establishment of Dharma (Righteousness).
For the last more than 83 years, Sri
Sathya Sai has been incessantly working day-in and
day-out for accomplishing His Divine Sankalp of
transforming evils into virtues, destructive attitudes
into constructive actions, negativity into positivity,
diversity into unity, competition into cooperation,
hatred into love, false-hood into truth, non-violence
into peace, work into worship and wisdom, pollution into
purity and finally animality into humanity and divinity. |
The Poornavatar in the form of Sri
Sathya Sai has generated an unprecedented curiosity in
the entire universe to find as to what His Legacy would
Being aware of everyone’s wish, a humble attempt has
been made by Sri Indulal Shah to make a detailed
presentation which would explain the Legacy of the Sri
Sathya Sai Avatar.The author humbly admits that we
devotees are too small to measure the depth of the
Divine Avatarhood but in our limited human
understanding, it is felt that the legacy of the Sri
Sathya Sai Avatar comprises of the benevolent work done
by His Holiness and the guiding philosophy preached by
Him for the restoration of Dharma (Righteousness) and
restructuring of society for the welfare and upliftment
of mankind.
The author feels that His Divine legacy is not
restricted only to the Educare, Medicare & Sociocare
Institutions and other physical and visible attainments.
In fact, it is limitless and unbounded, gross and
subtle, external and internal, extensive and intensive,
temporal and eternal, material and spiritual, visible
and invisible, subjective and objective, personal and
collective, private and public, here and elsewhere. It
is available to anyone, whether he is a devotee,
believer, non-believer, critic, sceptic, saint or
sinner. The legacy of Sri Sathya Sai is a vast and deep
ocean available to anyone.
As Sri Sathya Sai is a Poornavatar, His legacy must also
be Poorna (Complete). But Poorna (Complete) cannot be
measured. It is only Apoorna (Incomplete) which can be
measured. Therefore, it is impossible to spell out
various facets of Bhagavan’s legacy in totality.
However, an attempt can certainly be made to explore
into different realms of His legacy. |
Revered Bhagavan has always been
saying, “My Life is My Message”.
Therefore, His Life is His Legacy.
The full version of the presentation in English is
uploaded herewith. It is available free for download.
Please click an icon for downloading this book.
Sri Shah humbly prays “May the Divine Rays emitted by
His Divine Holiness, illumine each and every soul to
practice His Legacy and take everyone forward on the
Divine Path of establishment of Peace and Order in the
Readers are most welcome to forward their feedback on
the author’s e-mail ids:
ihs99999@gmail.com |