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Baba serves, saves
January 25, 2006

The recent articles and letters on Sai Baba miracles have prompted many of your readers to share their viewpoints on scriptures, miracles and manifestations, and which God to revere and worship.

In a country as diverse as ours, maybe a simple lesson can be learnt from India, ie, religious tolerance.

Even Christianity and Islam flourishes in this holy land. But, it is sad that the many people who have been criticising Sai Baba and his miracles recently are evidently ignorant about him or his teachings.

As a divine teacher his message to the world is to realise and recognise your own divinity and to raise your level of God

Focus on true and eternal happenings and not on the tinsel trappings of this illusionary existence. If Hindu, become a better Hindu, if Muslim, become a better Muslim and if Christian, become a better Christian. Sai has not come to convert anyone.

Many of his followers of the different faiths, including the West, recognise individual transformation as Sai's greatest miracle.

The ash and honey miracles in homes are for the benefit of those families that need renewed hope and faith in God, and to understand that the Creator is omnipresent as much as he is omniscient and omnipotent.

Like previous divine incarnations, Jesus, Rama, and Buddha, his mission is to serve and save mankind, and not interfere with the laws of nature, by preventing floods, quakes, and tsunamis.

The many hundred poor villages, and their millions of inhabitants, have benefited from Sai through his generosity in educational, medical, transportational, feeding, sheltering and clothing, and water projects.

Where the government of India found it impossible to supply tap water, Sai came to the rescue. Many orphaned children are under his care, each with their own bank accounts of one lakh rupees for their future use.

On Sai's request, the Super Speciality Hospital, which serves the entire nation free of charge, has not been entered in the Guiness Book of Records, since this state-of-the-art hospital was built and running within five months, some 15 years ago.

His education in human values system is now being incorporated in Arabian states, in Africa, China and the West.

In his mercy, truckloads of food, clothing, medicines and tents, with doctors, nurses and assistants, were sent to provide relief to quake and tsunami victims.

This is the Bhagawan I know and have been worshipping for the past 17 years. I have also visited his many places of miracles and am always fascinated by them. I am now also learning to focus more on the Creator and less on his creations. Jai sai ram.

Dev Sewpersad


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