Brindavan Darshan, 29th Jan '06!    


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A loving Sai Ram from Bangalore. It was a very chilly morning. It was misty for most part. The morning Sun was trying its best to warm up the earth and earthlings. It hadn't tasted much success even at 9AM! It was still cold by our standards. By 10AM, this cold was receding, succumbing to the relentless morning Sun! And then it poured heavily! You can't believe it, right! This is not about Bangalore weather report on Sunday morning. It's all about the grace and bliss that rained, nay, poured by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba at Brindavan!

Yours truly was a victim of the Sunday cold and inherent laziness and set off for Brindavan by about 9AM. I see my watch as I enter the ashram and it shows 9:40AM. I could hear the bhajans going on! I was scared, has Swamy already come in? Has my laziness cost me some precious darshan time? Soon I discover, much to my comfort that Swamy hasn't arrived yet. But indications are there HE will be there any moment. I thanked HIM and assumed a position in the sparsely the occupied extension of the hall - my usual place! Bhajans are on. Ladies and Gents are alternating and rendering some beautiful bhajans.

It's 10AM and lights on the stage come up. That's a sure indication that Swamy has come to the ground floor of Trayee from HIS inner chamber. We are all attention now. There, we see the orange robe and halo of hair passing by the Trayee gate, seated in HIS chair as it is wheeled about towards the rear entrance of the stage of the Sai Ramesh Hall. Welcome Swamy, I told HIM within myself. Soon, HE was on the stage. After a couple of bhajans, Swamy signalled to go down to the hall!!! This was bounty in the offing, as last few days HE hasn't been regularly granting darshans. Soon, HE had got down from the right side (as you sit facing the stage) elevator. Earlier times when Swamy used to walk we used to think because of HIS "short" stature, we aren't able to see from a distance. So, you could imagine, today as HE was seated in the chair, we hardly had an inkling of what is going on! However, one thing we were going to be sure about, HE is coming about towards the end of

There HE goes in the central aisle and before the end, HE takes left into the ladies' side. They can't believe it! In earlier times, this used to be the entrance of Swamy as HE walked by. So HE goes to that row. It is too far for me and add the glare of the shining Sun, I can't see much as to what is happening. We back liners stand up in a bid to catch up. Will Swamy exit that way to the Trayee? I though so. But HE goes staright till near the Kalyana mandapam, enquires something from someone and takes a right and right again to reach the end near the stage. HE continues to the central aisle. On the way, HE is doing something, blessing, taking letters, enquiring.... Always busy! No wonder, HIS life is HIS message. HE continues through the front most row, ignoring the elevator, focussing on the students block.

Students occupy the first block. There HE covers them and arrives at the right most aisle, again! Oh, the people, sitting near the right aisle are twice lucky! HE takes right and soon after crossing the student block, HE takes the in between row and comes over to the central aisle, again! And HE takes left there, that means HE is coming to the end of the hall, a second time! We were standing so that the eye can absorb every pixel of the divine sight that we are witnessing. I must confess, by now we are chanting the bhajans just mechanically and fully absorbed in the uncertainty that Swamy is showing that must have made the security team tear their hairs! As HE is coming towards us, HE is indicating to us to sit and also blessing. How beautiful! These moments will be firmly etched in my memory and will be recollected very fondly when I sit in Brindavan in the future darshans.

HE comes to the end takes a U-turn and goes back all the way till the Ganesh idol. HE takes right there and goes near the right elevator. There we see HIM, seated in the chair and the HE is going up. Hold on, the elevator goes up and comes down again! Is HE going to take a third round? He re-visits the front most row and now comes near the left side elevator. HE goes onto the stage after enthralling us so completely! HE sits for a bhajan and then signals for aarti. The rose is given, the aarti is lit, the chair turns back to take Swamy towards Trayee and it turns back again to face us! It is brought near the railing! By now, the aarti is done and there is pin drop silence in the hall and everybody's thinking what will Swamy do next! He held the railing and stood up, as if to tell us, this is perhaps the only joy I have withheld today till now. Take this as well! And sure, there was huge cheer as Swamy started to walk on the stage. Loud chants of jai bolo Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.......

I have written quite a bit. I am sorry if the narration is confusing anywhere. Suffice to say that the idea is to portray the bliss we derived and the "Love MY uncertainty" that Swamy often tells us. May the Lord of Brindavan bless us all with a clean mind so that we absorb what HE teaches us and implement those for our own benefit and show our gratitude to HIM. We love to you Swamy!

Jai Sai Ram
Ramesh Sistla
Bangalore, India


In continuation to brother Ramesh's message on Brindavan...
Swami gave a very long Darshan yesterday. Morning HE came between devotees twice. After that Swami gotup from the seat and went out walking during Aarathi.
In the evening, there was a public meeting. Swami came in walking. There was a music program by students. Governor of Karnataka has attended the function. While going back Swami again walked after Aarathi. He walked like a child struggling to walk. Swami wants to make us happy by walking, eventhough there is pain.


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