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Darshan update, 28th April morning
Brindavan Ashram. Bangalore

 Apparently more and more devotees are coming to Bangalore for Swami’s darshan; also many are coming here for the approaching Eswaramma day 6th April. Slowly & steadily the crowd of devotees is getting bigger. However, it is still relatively easy to find a room to stay. Though the room rates are bit expensive i.e. outside the ashram. There are many devotees who choose to come daily from Bangalore it is a ˝ hour journey, judging by the number of two wheeler scooters, cars & buses parked outside the ashram compound wall, one can get an idea that many take this early morning journey before going to their work etc. One can easily declare that Whitefield is once again vibrating with spiritual energy, thanks to Swami.

One of the sure sign that Swami is on the way to Sai Ramesh hall is when the security staff standing outside Swami’s residence gate get attentive with their hands folded; the ladies side of Sai Ramesh hall is closer to Swami’s residence gate so it is ladies or the very last lines that get to know when Swami comes out. Devotees sitting in the middle section only get know Swami when Swami steps in thru the stage door.

Morning darshan today commenced at 8:25 a.m. Swami entered the door with a student alongside, supporting Swami in His walk. Swami looked at the crowd of devotees and the students sitting in the front rows. After few minutes Swami took His seat. After the bhajans at around 9:20 a.m. Swami was offered the sacred customary Aarthi. Swami walked towards the door and went back to His residence.



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