Once Swami was again with a group of students. He materialized the
ring that Lord Rama had given to Hanuman to take to Lanka, in order
to prove to Sita that Hanuman was the authentic messenger from
Rama. The students had gathered all around Swami and were very
excited. They asked Swami if they could take the ring over to the
window in order to see it more clearly. Swami gave it to them , and all
the students hurried over to the window to admire the precious ring.
As a result , Swami was left standing alone ( with just one other
person ) in the middle of the room. Swami then smiled and remarked
to the person beside Him. ( Words to this effect.) " See , that is the
power of Maya . All of them are admiring the creation , and are pulled
away from the Creator Himself ! "

Submitted to SBOI group by [member] Diana


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