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POST WORLD YOUTH CONFERENCE PROGRAM INTRODUCTIONIt is written that God created man in His Own Image. Regarding the nature of His Divine Creation, Bhagavan Baba said, “The one God is present in all bodies. We must love every human being. Consider yourself as God first, and then begin to see the same God in every living being.”
It now behooves us to act in a manner that channels this Divine Impetus that He has given ostensibly to the Youth in this conference, but actually to all of humanity. We should recognize that Swami may express Himself in the context of a conference for a particular group, but what He says and does is also for the benefit of everyone everywhere. Such is the Nature of His Divine Love for His Divine Creation, mankind. REMEMBRANCELet us remember all that transpired on this great occasion, the Ideal Sai Youth World Conference of 2007. Let us remember the experience of His Presence and His Love. Let us remember the words that reverberated through our very being, the Eternal Truth uttered by the Lord Himself, our Beloved Swami, so graciously, so lovingly, so powerfully. Let us remember the important spiritual principles that Swami instructed us to never forget. Swami said:
Regarding the Ideal Sai Youth Conference, let us remember everything and savour every moment of this experience with our Beloved Swami: The Divine Inspiration of His Words and Actions, our thoughts and feelings, the Conference and the wise and eminent speakers, the satsang among the Youth from all over the world working together as Sai brothers and sisters. Let us remember our Lord, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and say to ourselves with deep conviction and understanding, “I am I.” Remembrance is good! INQUIRYSwami was pleased with the Ideal Sai Youth and their Conference. Just as a mother caresses or scolds her child out of love to teach the child correct behavior, Swami demonstrates pleasure or displeasure in our thoughts, words, and deeds so that we might grow spiritually. In His Divine Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence, He always knows all of our thoughts, words, and deeds. Have no doubt of this! Thus, we must learn from His Pleasure or Displeasure just as the small child learns from his mother. What was the source and substance of Swami’s Pleasure in the Youth Conference? The source and substance of His Pleasure was the dedicated preparation of the Youth to be in the Divine Presence. It was the reverence for our Lord, Bhagavan Baba, demonstrated by the youth as they assembled in His Presence for the events of the day and how they applied themselves to the work of the Conference, respectfully and attentively listening to and learning from the elders who spoke. The Sai Youth were virtually embodiments of the “5 D’s”: Devotion, Duty, Discipline, Dedication, Discrimination, and we might add Dignity. All Sai Youth demonstrated dignity and poise before, during, and after the Conference had concluded. The source and substance of His Pleasure was the youth who planned, constructed, and served as hosts in the Ideal Sai Youth Conference Exhibition. They worked tirelessly. Through the night they worked. Their sacrifices, extraordinary dedication, and the quality of their work epitomized the potential for good works represented by this spiritual army of Ideal Sai Youth. The source and substance of His Pleasure were the Sai devotees gathered in Prasanthi Nilayam for Swami’s Darshan. They witnessed the performance of the Ideal Sai Youth and they were uplifted by their exemplary behavior. Swami took great pleasure as He Witnessed the inspiring experience the Ideal Sai Youth brought to all who were gathered in Prasanthi Nilayam during the Ideal Sai Youth Conference. Swami in His Divine Discourse said, “Real devotion presupposes unshakeable love toward God, devoid of delusion.” The union of the Ideal Sai Youth with Our Beloved Swami through “real devotion” is the substance of His Pleasure. |
The Divine Discourses and the talks given by elders will be distributed to all youth and all Sai Centers. First the Divine Discourses, the Inaugural and the Valedictory, are being sent as attachments to this letter [note: they can be found here, 26-28 July 2007]. These will serve as the focus of study circles for all youth groups and also for all Sai Centers. The youth should conduct their own study circles and subsequently participate in the study circles of the Sai Centers. As soon as they are transcribed, the talks given by elders at the Ideal Sai Youth Conference will be circulated to all Sai Youth and all Sai Centers. RESOLUTION I Henceforth, Sai Youth will be defined as Sai devotees between the ages of 18 to 35. The current 9 Zonal Youth Representatives, if willing, will continue in their current positions until the first meeting of the Sai Youth Council in November 2007, at which time the term of their office and the methodology for selection of zonal youth representatives in the future will be given. The 9 Zonal Youth Representatives and the International Youth Coordinator will comprise the Youth Council, which will function as a committee of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation. The purposes of this body will be to advise the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation on the ways and means to accomplish the following:
The Structure of this Body will be as follows:
The Functions of this Body will be as follows:
RESOLUTION II Youth Zonal Representatives and other Sai Youth speakers designated by the Youth Council with the concurrence of the Zone Chairs and the Prasanthi Council will give talks at scheduled center, national, and international meetings. Their talks will include but not be limited to some or all of the following:
RESOLUTION III While the occasion was a Youth Conference, nevertheless Swami’s Discourses were powerful and inspiring for all. All that he says can transform us. Therefore, all Sai Centers will conduct study circles on Swami’s Inaugural and Valedictory Divine Discourses delivered by Him at the Sri Sathya Sai World Youth Conference of 2007. The Sai Youth should participate in the study circles of their Sai Centers. However, the Sai Youth may also conduct separate study circles in which they focus on Swami’s Divine Discourses in the context of the Ideal Sai Youth World Conference. RESOLUTION IV The Pre-WYC 9-Point Sadhana Program, embarked upon by the Youth pleased Swami. Actually, the components of the program are what all of us, not only youth, should have been doing all of this time. It consists of spiritual practices that are right and good if performed with Love for God. Therefore, the Sadhana Program is adopted and recommended as good practices for all devotees in perpetuity, keeping in mind the word of caution given by Swami not to regard these “Practices” as an end unto themselves, and to recognize that it is our faith and our purity that infuse these practices with spiritual potency. CONCLUSIONThe International Sri Sathya Sai Organizations will abide by the resolutions hereby adopted by the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation. The International Sri Sathya Sai Organizations will incorporate in future events the fundamental lessons derived from this inspiring conference. The Administration of the SSO at all levels will listen seriously and sensitively to the opinions of their constituency striving to address their needs and questions as much as possible during the planning stages of a conference, and at all times thereafter. Let us never be dogmatic and condescending. Let us, all of us, seek to understand and be confident that when we sincerely make this effort we will be understood. Swami says, “Communication is first understanding and then adjustment.” All of us must keep this in mind and remember who we are and why we are here. We are here to love one another and to expand that love to our brethren everywhere. All are here for no other reason. Henceforth, we will diligently prepare for all future conferences. We will have preparatory programs for all participants. We will be as inclusive and as interactive as possible in the proceedings of the conference. We will review the results of these conferences. Then, we will apply Swami’s Instructions and the lessons learned in the conferences toward the progress of the International Sri Sathya Sai Organizations and, most importantly, toward the spiritual transformation of each and everyone of us and the world in which we live.
Photos & report
part 2
Sri Sathya Sai Third World Youth Conference
- Photos & report part 1: Sri Sathya Sai Third World Youth Conference July 26-28, 2007