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Record of Events From Dec. 5th
To Dec. 25th 2006
Srikakulum Teachers
Parthi Yatra - 5th December 2006
The first week of December will remain
indelible in the memories of eight hundred and fifty teachers from
more than four hundred and twenty schools in the Srikakulum District
of the State of Andhra Pradesh, who had gathered in Prasanthi Nilayam.
For these teachers it was a feast of divine love and nectarine wisdom
from the very Teacher of Teachers, Bhagavan, Himself. These teachers
came to the lotus feet of the Jagadguru to learn the very essence of
true education, namely, Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values.
A lot of preparation and hard work
preceded this glorious event. The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization,
Srikakulum District, had organized several training programmes for
these teachers at various places like Srikakulum, Kasibugga, Sompeta,
Budithi and Palakonda. Before the commencement of their spiritual
prigrimage to Prashanti, all the teachers went through twenty-one days
of intense sadhana and selfless service which included distribution of
books and uniforms to poor school children. Finally, all the teachers
with their families, and the covenors and sevadals, totaling two
thousand, arrived at Prashanti Nilayam on the 3rd of December, 2006.
Training for the teachers
Prof. Kamaraju Anil Kumar
Swami graciously blessed all the
programmes the group had prepared. First there was a four day
extensive training programme for the teachers inaugurated by Sri B. V.
Ramana Rao, the National Service Wing Coordinator of Sri Sathya Sai
Organization, at Prashanti Nilayam on December 3. Other eminent
personalities were also in attendance such as Prof. Kamaraju Anil
Kumar and Dr. M. Anil Kumar of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher
Medical Sciences, Bangalore, who gave the opening lectures. Thereafter
eminent professors and Doctors of Swami’s Institutions delivered their
enlightening discourses on EHV with a helpful amount of visual and
audio aids. Indeed, the teachers drank deep from the wealth of
knowledge and authority of experience which the speakers cheerfully
shared with all.
On the evening of the December 4, the
group conducted a rally on Human Values depicting the glory and
splendour of Indian Cultural Heritage from thirty-six cultural events
in Srikakulum District. It was a sight to behold, a feast for the
soul, a festival of colours and sounds, drums and costumes, dances and
choruses. The group, like the armies of the Lord, marched from the old
Mandir through the Stadium to the thrill and joy of the audience.
In a grand rally on the streets of Puttaparthi
The rally regaled the village with
their music
On December 5, in the Divine Presence of
Swami, the group again went on a procession illustrating the
integration of EHV into their lives. Their presentation emphasized
that Human Values must become one’s way of life. After the
procession the teachers enthralled one and all with a series of
musical songs directed by Sri Saluru Vasurao.
Carrying the lord in procession
Folk dances from Srikakulam
Traditional music from interior Andhra
Recreating Ramayana - the folk art way
The climax of joy came when Bhagavan
consented to the prayers of the District President, Sri Lakshmana Rao
to bless the group with His Divine Discourse. In His Discourse,
Beloved Swami showered upon the teachers the very essence of His
Divine Benediction. He revealed that the teachers from Srikakulum are
great devotees who have experienced the Divine principle in thought,
word and deed and enjoyed the bliss thereof. Swami exhorted the
teachers in sweet endearing words to infuse self-confidence and
spiritual thinking (that is contemplation of God) in the students and
to bear all difficulties in bringing this about. Swami told the
teachers: “Bear all difficulties and suffering and make every effort
to inculcate goodness in children. That is your primary duty. Teachers
are the true leaders of the country, not political leaders. Only
teachers can make the children good.”
Swami further encouraged the teachers to
cultivate good habits and lead an ideal life. Only then will they be
able to teach the children to cultivate good habits. “When the teacher
is addicted to smoking, how can he tell the students not to do so? It
is only when the teachers cultivate good habits and good conduct, can
students emulate their example and strive for the welfare and progress
of the country.”
Swami finally concluded His Divine
Discourse with these words: “I am very happy that many teachers have
come from Srikakulum. Whatever good that you know, you must first put
into practice and then teach the children.”
To crown the bliss of the teachers, after
His discourse, Swami, in His motherly compassion and love offered a
divine dinner to all the participants. Their joy on learning of this
most auspicious blessing cannot be translated into words.
What has a beginning must have an end.
The valedictory function was held on the 6th morning. Sri Ravi
Manchanda, President of Sri Sathya Sai Schools, UK gave the
valedictory address while Prof. Anil Kumar, Dr. Sasi Bala and Smt K
Vasumathi addressed the teachers. In the evening of the same day, all
the teachers with their families returned home full of boundless
happiness and bliss. Swami had endowed them with the Divine strength
and wisdom to serve the world and to infuse the Sai gems of education
in human values into their fortunate students.
Presentation by the Rishikesh
Sathya Sai
School – 11th December
A huge group of hundred and nine boys
from the Sri Sathya Sai School at Rishikesh made the visit to
Puttaparthi on December 6, 2006. All the small boys who stayed for a
week were from class 1 to class 9 and accompanied by ten teachers, a
few staff members and the Principal of the school.
The Rishikesh Sai students in symphony
The Badrikadham katha in
The Sri Sathya Sai School at Rishikesh
was inaugurated by the Divine Hands on July 2, 2000. The school at
Tapovan, Rishikesh is situated adjacent to the hallowed Laxman Jhula
pedestrian bridge at a very scenic spot with the Ganges flowing
majestically on the southern side and the serenely green and grand
mountains standing sentinel on the northern side. This residential
school that propagates human values along the lines practiced at
Swami’s school at Puttaparthi provides high quality English medium
education for no fees, whatsoever.
On the evening of December 11, the
Rishikesh Sathya Sai School presented their drama, "Life is a
pilgrimage", depicting the story of Nara and Narayana doing penance
for the downfall of the evil Sahasrakavacha Dambhodabhava. It started
with three young students from the Rishikesh Sai School playing
bhajans on flutes in the centre of the Hall, while a few tiny tots
offered flowers at Bhagavan's Lotus Feet.
Four students on a pilgrimage....
Saga Narada appears out of the
The story began with four students of the
School going on a pilgrimage to sacred Badrinath. Awed by the serenity
and peace, they contemplate on the legendary story associated with
Badrinath. All of a sudden they hear someone chant “Narayana
Narayana”. They stand rooted to the ground stunned to see none other
than Sage Narada himself. They offer their salutations to the sage who
asks the students to introduce themselves. The sage is full of joy
when he learns that the students are pursuing their education in
Rishikesh High School. He, then, narrates the sacred legend of Badri
and that of Nara-Narayana.
The story goes thus: The evil demon king
Dambhodabhava, in pursuit of attaining the boon of immortality does
penance and pleases the Sun God. Unfortunately for the demon, the Sun
God refuses to make him immortal but grants him any other boon. So the
witty demon conceives a plan and asks for such a boon that would
indirectly grant him immortality.
Lord Shiva permits Parvati to keep the baby
The Devas approach Lord Vishnu for
The King of Gods, Indra, along with his
ministers flee from the Heaven straight to Vaikuntha, the abode of
Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu majestically reclining on the Adishesha
assures Indra and his ministers that He will protect them.
Lord Vishnu then proceeds to the
Himalayas where He finds, to His utter dismay, Lord Shiva and Goddes
Parvati performing the Tandava (cosmic dance). The witty Lord
Mahavishnu assumes the form of an infant and starts wailing. Mother
Parvati hears the desperate cries of the infant and pleads to Lord
Shiva to allow Her to fondle the babe to stops it wailing. When the
Divine Mother found the crying babe, within the blink of an eye the
infant disappeared and instead stood the sustainer of the entire
universe, Lord Mahavishnu.
Lord Vishnu then tells the Divine Mother
that the spot where Lord Shiva was performing the cosmic dance with
Mother Parvati was the very spot where He needed to perform penance to
slay the wicked Demon king.
Lakshmi takes care of her Lord
As Lord Vishnu is deep in penance,
unmindful of the extreme weather, Mother Lakshmi is intensely troubled
and worried due to the Lord’s absence in Vaikuntha. She sets forth in
Her search to locate Lord Vishnu. When She reaches the Himalayas, She
meets Sage Narada who directs Goddess Lakshmi to the exact spot where
Lord Vishnu was performing penance. Apprehensive about the cold winds
and the frosty snow, Goddess Lakshmi assumes the form of the Badrika
tree, spreading the branches over Her Beloved, protecting Him. It is
only when He completes His penance that Lord Vishnu realises the
concern and love with which Goddess Lakshmi bore the acute weather and
cold winds Herself with the only intention that Her Lord could perform
His penance peacefully without any obstacles.
Pleased with this act of devotion, Lord
Vishnu blesses Goddess Lakshmi profusely saying that this place would
be henceforth known as Badrikadham and He would Himself reside as Lord
Badrinath in this place for eternity. He also blessed Her saying that
for ages to come, Her name would always precede the Lord’s, as in
Lakshmi-Narayana, Radha-Krishna or Sita-Ram.
The Lord then assumed two forms, one of
Nara and the other Narayana. Both did penance at the same spot where
Lord Vishnu did penance. The demon sent many dancers to distract Nara
and Narayana from doing penance but absolutely nothing could stop them
from their spiritual rigour. While Nara fought with the demon,
Narayana performed penance for one day. In that one day Nara broke one
of the one thousand kavacha’s (protective shield). The next day
Narayana continued the fight, destroying the second kavacha of
Dambhodabhava while Nara performed penance. In this way they fought
with Dambhodabhava until only one kavacha remained.
Petrified by the very thought of death,
the wicked demon fled from the battlefield seeking refuge with the Sun
God. Both the heroes of the war, Nara and Narayana chased him and
demanded Lord Surya to return the demon to them. But Lord Surya who
had given Dambhodabhava the promise to protect him, refused Nara and
Narayana to hand over the demon. Finally it was Narayana who declared
that the last of the thousand kavacha’s would be broken by Nara in the
Dwapara Yuga when Nara would be born as Arjuna and the wicked
Dambhodabhava as Karna.
Badri - a place of immense importance throughout the ages -
Sathya Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, etc.
When Karna lay wounded on the battlefield
waiting for the messengers of death, he asks Lord Krishna the reason
for suffering such a death at the hands of Arjuna. Then Krishna
reminds Karna of all the evil deeds he did when he was Dambhodabhava
and how he fled from the battlefield and took refuge in Lord Surya and
was destined to be slain at the hands of Arjuna.
The young students stood full of joy
listening to the legend of Badrinath, picturing every scene in their
mind’s eye. The boys then pleaded to Sage Narada to narrate all the
breathtaking events that took place when Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
visited this historic place of Badrinath.
Sage Narada, who said he was verily
present when Bhagavan visited Badrikadham, relished in sharing with
the students every moment of Bhagavan’s stay in Badrikadham and how
the Kaliyuga Avatar rejuvenated the holy pilgrim centre.
He recollected, “June 17, 1958 was a Day
of Days, a Day that will be enshrined in the memory of everyone, for
years and years. In pursuance of His Mission of re-infusing spiritual
efficacy in all Holy Places where men congregate for acquiring peace
and joy, Baba that day re-invigorated Narayana worship at Badrinath,
by means of a unique ceremony, whose significance is beyond our tiny
understanding! His Excellency the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Dr. B.
Ramakrishna Rao, who arranged the entire visit of Bhagavan was also
present by His side.
Sage Narada recounts Swami's visit to Badri...
Praising the lord Sai Badri
During the morning Abhishekam to the idol
of Badrinarayana, while Baba was inside the temple facing the shrine,
about 8.15AM, Baba mysteriously materialised a four armed Narayana
icon with Sankha, Chakra, Gada and Padma, about twelve inches, perhaps
sublimating in that form the Divine Essence of the Narayana Tejas
before Him. He also created a charming thousand petalled ‘gold’ Lotus,
and before the wonder of the people around Him could express itself in
an awe-stricken gasp, He waved His hand before the Shrine and, lo,
there was a Jyothirlinga in His palm, which He placed on the shining
Swami in Badri with mind-boggling manifestations
Materialising a ‘silver’ Abhisheka Vessel
full of holy water from Gangothri itself (as He announced), Baba
Himself performed Abhisheka to that translucent Nethra Lingam. He had
graciously taken the Linga round to everyone and made all to wonder at
its quiet effulgence and at a clearly visible Eye that was somehow
incorporated in it. Devotees recited Sri Rudram, Purushasuktham and
Narayana Suktham, while Baba was pouring the sacred water on the
Lingam. Then, Baba created hundred and eight miniature bilva leaves or
rather replicas of that holy leaf, in ‘gold’; they fell in a lightning
shower from His Palm on to a silver plate.
He again waved His Hand and this time, O Blessed moment, hundred and
eight actual ‘thumme’ flowers fresh with even the touch of the morning
dew, fell from that Divine Palm! With these, Baba directed
Dr.B.Ramakrishna Rao, presumably on behalf of all assembled to do Puja
to the Linga, the Ashtottara Puja, as mentioned in the Sastras. After
Puja, Baba collected the Abhisheka Ganga and gave a share of it to
each one, Himself pouring it into the mouth with His own merciful
Needless to say, the Lingam, one of the Five, which according to Baba,
Sankaracharya brought from Kailasa, and which he installed in a sacred
spot in the shrine to vivify the Badarikasram returned to the place
from which Baba had drawn it for this epoch making ritual of
re-invigoration. The Lotus and the Icon, He granted to the devotees;
the Bilva leaves of ‘gold’ He gave to members of the party, as
mementoes of the Momentous Day, for being duly worshipped by them.
About 12.30 pm, the same day, Baba condescended to come to Brahmakapal,
where the devotees had arrived to offer oblations to the pitris
(forefathers). He advised everyone to pray for their ancestors and
departed relations, in a spirit of faith and sincerity. Every member
of the party had a rare good fortune of paying off the debt to the
departed in the immediate presence of the Lord Himself!
Then Baba went down to the Alakananda and took from the surging
torrent a glass of water, but, lo! The glass held also a lump of
Vibhuthi with the mark of Pranava on it and the til essential
for ancestral rites! He poured the water on to the palms of the
devotees who were handicapped by disqualifications form partaking in
the Pinda Pradan, asking them to offer that water instead!
Surely, the manes of all who shared in that day’s Brahmakapal ceremony
are thrice blessed!”
Having regaled us with the wonderful recollections of Lord Narayana
incarnate, our very own Lord Sai, the programme came to a close.
Bhagavan enjoyed their hour-long presentation. The students then sang
a few group songs and fervently prayed to Bhagavan for group
photographs. Bhagavan called a few small boys from the school and
spoke to them. Then He went down from the stage and interacted with
the actors. Swami, then, blessed them with a group photograph which
had as a backdrop a picture of their school with all the students
arranged in front of it.
Posing with the little flowers of His garden
Few minutes of divine interaction
But the love story did not end that
evening. Next day, Swami called the boy who performed as Narada to the
interview room and asked him questions like, “what is your name? Which
class do you study in? Who is your Principal? How many boys from his
class secured more than 90% marks in the last final exam? What would
you like to become when you grow up?” and so on.
A little flower offers a rose
All the children assembled for Sai
He also gave His word that He would spend
time with all the boys in the afternoon in the Mandir. Accordingly
students and staff of the school assembled in the Mandir at 2:45 pm.
Swami arrived soon thereafter and asked the boys to come nearer to
Him. The boys could not control themselves with this motherly
beckoning and soon surrounded Swami’s chair sitting around Him.
Swami talking to the tiny tots
Blessings from their divine mother
Swami spent an electrifying ninety
minutes during which unbounded love flowed towards each and every
child. Swami asked them their names, what they would like to become in
life, and advised them to be devoted to God. Everybody had tears in
their eyes. Swami created three gold chains for three boys.
The programme started with these three flutes
Swami blesses their card
Swami also asked the boys to chant Vedam.
They chanted for ten minutes. Swami was extremely delighted with their
rendering, so much so that He too joined in the chanting. The boys
then sang a song.
All through the session, boys were holding Swami’s hand and Swami kept
showering His love on them. He also permitted photos to be taken with
a few boys at a time. Mother Sai gave Vibuthi Prasad, sweets and
clothes distributed to the boys and teachers.
When asked about their impressions of the session with Swami, many
boys found themselves speechless. The most common comment was that one
came for Darshan but got a whole lot more. Several said that they were
not devotees, but now they have become. Boys said that Swami is Mother
Sai to them and Swami is the Lord of the Universe. The tears in their
eyes told it all. The teachers too echoed similar sentiments
repeatedly saying that the experience exceeded all expectations. They
were simply overwhelmed with what they saw and felt.
The group left Prashanti Nilayam on December 13, 2006 enshrining Swami
in their hearts.
Presentation by the ‘Teen Youth Group’
from Malaysia – 19th December
With a group of ninety eight Sai Teen Youths and twenty Sai Teen Youth
facilitators, the Teen Youth Group from Malaysia were in Prashanti
Nilayam for thirteen days, full of ardour to present their programme
to Bhagavan and attain closeness to the Lord of love. The pilgrimage
to Bhagavan also included very special insights into life in rural
India by participating in Grama Seva projects in selected villages,
during the journey to and from Puttaparthi. The interaction with the
local villagers left an indelible but humbling impression in the minds
of these Sai Teen Youths.
Malaysian youth sing to their lord
The coveted evening when all could stand
and act in front of the Lord came on the December 19 when Bhagavan
allowed the group of Malaysian SSSEHV Teens to present their
adaptation of 'Dikir Barat' - a traditional song and dance cultural
item from Malaysia. Fifty one Sai Teen Youth Sisters and forty seven
Sai Teen Youth Brothers were involved in the presentation.
Dikir Barat is a traditional Malay art
form where a lead singer transmits his message through a short song.
The song is punctuated by a chorus sung by groups of men and women
sitting separately but whose synchronized and energetic arm and body
movements mesmerize and thrill the audience.
The performance was supported by Malay
Kompangs (a cross between a drum and a tambourine), a Chinese Drum,
and Indian Naals. These three types of instruments represent the three
major races in Malaysia – the Malays, Chinese and Indians.
The Dikit Barat is believed to have
originated in India where it was performed during the harvest season.
It is a verbal art form known for its dynamic performance which
revives the audience through its energetic melodies. The Tukang Karut,
being the 'head' of the group, usually sings a long song comprising of
a chorus and several verses.
The rest of the group is made up of the
choir and the percussionists who play the instruments to make the
music are called the 'Awok-Awok' means "you all". They are the life of
the Dikir Barat group with their choral singing and synchronized body
and hand movements which sway rhythmically to the beat of the song,
thus, making it an awesome spectacle to watch.
The youth in action with vibrant song sequences
The costumes are usually made up of the
traditional Malay baju melayu for men and baju kurung
for women. Several touches are added here and there to give the
clothes a majestic feel and to liven up the group.
In their twenty minute programme which
began just after 4 pm, the common cultural values of the three main
ethnic groups of Malaysia were presented with instruments from the
various races of Malaysia. The lyrics emphasized Bhagavan’s teaching
of unity in diversity.
The entire cultural program was based on
Bhagavan’s teaching of respecting one’s parents. The Vedas proclaim
“Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava” - “Mother is God, Father is
God” And Bhagavan has been exhorting us to show respect and gratitude
towards our parents.
Respecting parents - the Islamic way
The group portrayed this message by
depicting the various traditional ways of worshipping one’s parents,
from each racial group. The introduction song was sung in the
Kelantanese dialect.
The song went as follows:
Eh Wah Eh Wah, Eh
Wah Bulan
Eh Wah Bulan teraju tiga
Ini hari sama sama
Sama sama bersuka ria
(meaning “Let all of us be happy and joyous today”)
The chorus group followed with (English
Every morning, I pray to you Swami,
I pray, oh dear Lord, please guard and guide me,
In all my thoughts, my words, and my actions,
All through the day, with every breath I take.
The singer then sang the solo in English
(English Solo):
I will love my mother and father,
Respect and follow every word they say,
Speak softly and lovingly always,
And to serve them till their dying days.
I will make them happy at all times,
With peace and love in my heart,
For I know they are my earthly gods,
Precious gifts from heaven above.
This really set the theme for the
evening’s program.
Reverence to parents in Chinese culture
The group began with the depiction of a
young Chinese boy worshipping his parents. The group of three (mother,
father and their young son) walked up right in front of Bhagavan and
then performed the formal way of worshipping parents. The boy sat on
his knees and then offered a cup of tea, to both his mother and
father. In the Chinese Tradition, one of the time honored ways that
children show love and gratitude to their parents is through the
traditional Tea Ceremony.
The culture of offering tea symbolizes
respect and gratitude to the parents .It is also a culture that during
meal times when the family eats together, the children show respect
for their parents by serving them first. The parents partook the tea
and then the three walked back. Meanwhile in the background the solo
and chorus groups sang the songs that lay the code of conduct the boy
should abide by.
The solo in Chinese:
Shi zun, wo mei ge qing chen xiang ni dao kuo,
Ah! Wo qing ai de zhu, Qing hu you wo, yin dao wo
Hu dao wo de si wei, yan lun, xing wei
Mei yi shun xi,mei yi shi ke, mei yi tian
Wo jiang ai xi wo de fu mu
Zun chong , ting zhong fu mu de jiao dao
Li mou,qing qie kuan dai fu mu
Shi feng fu mu zhi dao tian nian
Wo shi fu mu chang huan xin
Fa zhi nei xin de xiang he he ai,
Yin wei wo zhi dao, fu mu si wo chen shi jian de shen
Shi shang tian shi gei wo zui zhen gui de li wu
(The meaning of the song is the same as
the English Chorus and the English Solo above).
The narrator then cited the guidelines
set by Confucius. According to him, “When your father is alive observe
his intentions. When he is deceased, model yourself on the memory of
his behavior. If in three years after his death you have not deviated
from your father's ways, then you may be considered a filial child.”
("Confucian Teachings" 20).
According to Confucius, respect to one's
father while he is alive is something that even animals do. But, to be
a filial child, one must respect his parents even after their death.
Confucius goes on to cite further specific examples of what a filial
son should do for his parents. Among them, children should never
offend their parents, never speak badly of them, not travel far away
without purpose, always be conscious of their parent’s age, and
protect them whenever necessary. Filial piety is the root of virtue
and the origin of culture. The body and hair and skin are received
from the parents and may not be injured. This is the beginning of
filial piety. To establish oneself and walk according to the right way
in order to glorify one’s parents is the culmination of filial piety.
Filial piety begins with serving one’s parents, leads to serving one’s
king and ends in establishing oneself.
A Malay boy then came dressed in the
traditional attire and sang a Malay traditional song:
Setiap Pagi ku.. pohon.. MU
Tolonglah melindungi..ku
Dalam fikiranku dan tingkah laku-ku
Engkau menjadi pedo..manku
Saya sayang pada Ayah dan Ibu
Nasihat mereka kita turuti
Bersopan santun, budi bahasa,
Itulah ajaran me..re..ka
Saya akan mengembirakan Ibu
Saya akan membanggakan ayah
Merekalah tuhan kami
Tuhan kami di dunia ini
(The meaning being the same as the
English Chorus and the English Solo songs)
Simultaneously, a group of three youth
dressed as the Malay Couple with their young son walked up the path to
where our beloved Bhagavan sat. Then they performed the Malay way of
worshipping one’s parents. The boy got down on his knees and kissed
his parents’ hands and asked for forgiveness for any wrongdoings they
might have done. In the Malay tradition, parents are given the utmost
respect by their children. It is a familiar saying among the Malays
that “Heavens lie in the foot prints of your mother.”
It is also part of the Muslim prayer each
day during Solat or Namaz to first pray for forgiveness of the sins of
their parents before praying for pardon of their own sins.
Supported by the pantomime, the narrator
then shared with the audience the Malay tradition on filial piety, “A
child should respect and appreciate his or her parents every day
throughout the year. Allah has asked human beings to recognize their
parents after recognition of Allah Himself. Throughout the Quran, we
notice that parents are mentioned with appreciation and with respect,
even if they are senile. In Surah Al-Isra' (Children of Israel) there
is a very beautiful description of how parents are to be treated. The
recognition and respect of parents is mentioned in the Quran eleven
times. In every instance, Allah reminds children to recognize and to
appreciate the care and love they have received from their parents.”
The third race widely spread across
Malaysia is that of the Hindus. In the Indian Tradition, respect for
parents is generally shown by doing padanamaskar. The Hindus believe
that when we prostrate with humility and respect, we invoke the good
wishes and blessings of elders, which flow in the form of positive
energy to envelop us. This is why the posture is assumed, so as to
enable the entire body to receive the energy flow from the parents’
Offering pranams to parents -
Indian way
A Tamil song was then sung by a Malay
teenager which denoted the same idea as in the English Chorus and
English Solo:
Ovvoru Naalum Unnani Vannangindren
Unnai Vanngindrum Arulvai Irraivaa
En Ellam Yeannamum, Sollum Seyallum
En Ovvoru Moochum Nin Arul Bhagavan
Thandhai Thai Meethu Anbu Sellathuvom
Avargal Sollpaddi Endrum Nadapom
Inimai Menmai Endrum Nadapom
Aepothum Pesi Sevai Seivom
Anbum Amaithiyum Ithaiyatil Tekki
Aepothum Avargalai Mahillveppom
Mathavum Pithavum Munnarri Deivam
Irraivan Nammakalittha Kann Kanda Deivam
As the singer wholeheartedly rendered the
song, simultaneously three Malay teenagers dressed in the traditional
dress of the Hindu parents and their son came to the centre stage. The
boy then prostrated at the feet of his parents with full love and
Meanwhile, the narrator reminded the
assembled devotees of Rama and Pundalika, the ideal sons of Bharat by
saying, ““Mata, Pita, Guru Daivam.” This is something that is
propagated in the Hindu culture. In Hinduism, parents are looked upon
as God Himself. It is stated in the Srimad Bhagawatham that: “Love and
obedience to our parents is our first duty”.
God Himself has shown us an example of
this. When Lord Rama was about to be crowned as prince of Ayodhya, at
the last moment things took a strange turn. He was told to keep up the
honour of his father’s word and so he went into exile for fourteen
long years, forsaking his palace and kingdom.
The story of Pundalink clearly shows the
importance of filial piety. Pundarika used to visit the temple of Lord
Panduranga everyday. One day he was engrossed in serving his parents
and hence could not visit the temple. So, Lord Panduranga Himself came
to Pundarika. At that time Pundarika was pressing the feet of his
parents and so he requested Lord Panduranga to take His seat and wait.
So, saying, he passed a brick to the Lord as there were no chairs and
sofas in those days. After attending to his parents, Pundarika offered
his due respects to the Lord Panduranga.
The Lord was immensely pleased with his
devotion to his parents and blessed him profusely, saying, “God comes
to you on His own when your behaviour is good. There is no service
greater than service to parents. Consider service to parents as
service to the Lord.”
A Malay singer then came and sang a
beautiful Hindi song, praying to Bhagavan to bless him to render
incessant service of his parents, speak softly and lovingly with them
and follow their every instruction.
The verses of the Hindi song:
Vinti hai Swami tumhe har savere,
Sharan de, raah de he prabhu mere
Har vachan, vichaar, har karm mein mere,
subah shyam har din har saans mein mere
Pooja karun hurdam mai mata aur pita ki,
maan karun hurdum unki har aagyaa ki,
Dheemi ho meethi sadaa meri boli,
seva Karun sadaa yahi hai pooja meri
Khushi doon hurdum unko hai pooja meri,
Dil mein hurdum ho Prem aur ho shaanti,
Dharti par mere hain Prabhu ke roop vahi,
Yahi Prabhu ki Kripa, anmol den yahi.
Now the entire group brimming with
intense love for Bhagavan started praying to Bhagavan to bless them
with His Love and Grace. Their prayer was in the form of an English
Take my Hand dear Sai Sathya Sai
Take My Hand and walk me through this land
Take my Hand dear Sai Sathya Sai
Take My Hand and walk me through this land
Take My Heart Dear Lord Sathya Sai
Take My Heart and fill it with Your Love
Let the love in me be love divine
Walk with me My Lord, Your Hand In mine
Sai Rama Ram Sai Ram
Sai Rama Rama Sai Ram
Sai Rama Ram, Sai Ram
Walk with me My Lord Your Hand in mine
We love you, Our Dearest Swami.
The singing reached a crescendo as the
group prayed fervently to Swami to come amidst them and bless them
with group photos. When a devotee calls out to the Lord with intense
devotion, it is impossible for the sweet Lord to hold back Himself as
He rushes to His devotee. This is what exactly happened that evening.
Bhagavan walked down the steps and spoke to the group and blessed them
with group photographs.
Swami glad to pose with Malaysian youth
Blessings in abundance
The function did not end with the
photographs. He asked them to sing bhajans. As the group sang bhajans,
Bhagavan called a Malay singer, Sri Manoj Nair Venugopalan, spoke to
him and then materialized a gold chain for him. The ever-compassionate
Lord called a Sai Sister from the group, Haanusia Privithi Raj and
blessed her with a gold chain.
Bhagavan then received the Aarti and went
back to the interview room. Later, the Bhajans were sung as usual at
five o'clock in the Bhajan Hall and Swami retired to His residence
after Aarti at 5.30 pm.
Christmas Celebrations in the Presence
of the Divine Father
How can one truly translate into words what happens
during Christmas at Prasanthi Nilayam? Words become dumb at the door
of the spirit. Christmas celebration at Prasanthi can only be
experienced to realize its full import! It is a celebration of
divinity. Children of God from almost all countries, religions,
cultures and races troop in their thousands to Prasanthi to experience
their inner Divine principle in the manifest divine presence of
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. They come to experience the feast of
divine awakening; the outpouring of the universal Christ
Consciousness; the realization of the wondrous truth of our common
divine origin. The Divine Love magnet, Sai Baba, draws His children
from all over the globe to taste the thrill and bliss of how humanity
can unite in Divinity. Beyond race and beyond colour, beyond the
barriers of creed and caste, Christmas in Prasanthi Nilayam brings all
to the awareness of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.
We are the children of the same Divine Mother.
A lot of preparation precedes the actual celebration
of Christmas at Prasanthi Nilayam. So much work is done behind the
curtains. First, the Christmas committee draws a comprehensive
program in a planned format, decoration of the entire ashram, the
adult choir, the children’s choir, presentations of speeches and
dramas, etc.
On December 7 Swami gave His blessings to the program
presented by the Christmas committee. Thereafter, the wheels of
transforming the entire ashram into the festive mood of Christmas were
put into motion.
Organizing The
The adult and children’s choir were formed on December
15. The nine auspicious days of practice for these two choirs are a
beauty to behold. Beyond coming from different linguistic and
cultural backgrounds, all spoke and sang in the language of Love.
Everyday, there were two practice sessions: two hours in the morning
and two in the evening at the “double-decker” building.
Christmas Choir Rehearsal
It was a joy to be there
The adult and children’s choir directors, Sylvia Olden
from Australia and Elma Badings from Holland were simply channels of
divine melody. Gradually but surely, they were able to mould the
choirs into a body with one voice and one heart.
This year, about 680 ladies and 425 gents hailing from
more than forty countries comprised the adult choir. Every rehearsal
was a satsang. Sylvia, the director, knows the art of
integrating episodes of her many soul-thrilling Divine encounters with
the Lord at intermediate times of the rehearsal. Her stories were
like “soul-snacks” and gave a lot of energy and morale boost to all in
Only the master of the dance knows the agony and
patience of teaching her children the steps of the dance. In nine
days the children had to learn every song and two were in Spanish. To
bring these children to that Divine standard which our Lord Sathya Sai
always expects was nothing but a miracle. Elma Badings, the
children’s choir director was a channel of this miracle. According to
her, the children were very eager to give a wonderful gift to Swami in
the form of their singing. The children’s choir this year comprised of
eighty-two kids between the ages of six and fourteen.
For both the adult and children’s choirs, expert
musicians including a pianist, violinists, flutists, drummers and
other percussionists, guitar players and trumpeters were in
abundance. Their expert instrumental harmony added beauty and bliss
to the rehearsals.
The Decorations
Team at Work
To put the ashram into ‘Christmas costume’ with
glistening Christmas lights; adorned Christmas trees; nativity scenes;
colourful candles and praying angels is the duty of the Christmas
Decorations Committee. Swami gave His permission for the decorations
to start going up on the 21st evening. The Team started with a garland
for Ganesh in the Mandir and then moved to Swami’s residence and the
Poornachandra auditorium.
The Angels at Swami's Lotus Feet...
... and another in attendance
According to Milena Kunz, the decorations coordinator,
the white trees that adorn the Ganesh idol symbolize purity of heart.
The nativity scene this year has been designed to carry the message of
Sarva Dharma - the unity of religions. Every year the decorations
committee spends weeks of loving service in preparation for all these
items that are used.
The Mandir: a finished work of art
Bedecked with holly and stars
After three days of putting up the decorations, the
Sai Kulwant Hall, gates and fences, canteens and temples had all taken
on the Christmas look. And the whole ashram was in the spirit of
Christmas Dinner
In God’s house nothing is lacking. The Divine Mother
knows how to give Her children the best of treats and on Christmas Eve
Mother Sai gave Her children a divine dinner. The canteen hall had
been decorated with candles on all the tables and the meal was eaten
in candle light alone. More than 1,500 devotees were able to take this
blessed feast and the room was filled with love.
1500 came for the feast
The best Christmas thus far
Dinner by candlelight
Best wishes from Africa
The kitchen team had been preparing for a week. For
this grand communion the menu was a wonder to behold: tomato soup,
Chinese vegetables, lasagne, mashed potato with cheese, Russian salad,
pancakes, and caramel nut ice cream. The Hungarian ladies made 2,000
pancakes in two days. Everyone who participated in the dinner could
testify the truth of the biblical saying “Taste and see that the Lord
is good.”
Christmas Eve - 24th
By 2 p.m., the whole of the Kulwant hall was already full to maximum
capacity with devotees. It was a sea of heads waiting anxiously for
the great appearance of their Lord. At about 4 p.m. the Vedic
chanting started, a sign that the yearning of the devotees had melted
the compassion of the Lord to reveal Himself.
Such joy on their faces
More little Angels at the Feet of the Lord
After giving darshan, beloved Swami came to the dais
to light the Christmas candles. After Swami was seated, He blessed
the director of the children’s choir, Ms. Elma Badings to start the
children’s presentation. The children were like little sweet angels
adorned in heavenly splendor. The purity and love of their songs
melted the hearts of one and all. Among their many renditions were:
“Mantra Song”, which gave praise to Lord Ganesha,
Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Swami; “We wish you a Merry Christmas”;
“Silent Night”; “O Come All Ye Faithful”; and “Joy to the World”.
Ms. Elma Badings receives
Blessing Ms. Sylvia Olden
Next, Ms. Sylvia Olden went with flowers to the Lord
to pray for His blessings upon the adult choir. The Lord of
compassion gave His consent to start their presentation. Their
renditions electrified the whole mandir with vibrant energy. Everyone
was in a joyful mood, clapping, shaking heads, humming or waving.
Dedicated musicianship
Playing only for Him
Even Swami Himself was tapping His fingers at the
rhythm of the songs. How pleasant and how blissful it is when
brothers and sisters share in such harmony. Indeed, there is no
greater force than Love – unconditional Love, boundless and pure.
Only the power of Divine Love can bind the hearts of humanity in an
unbreakable bond of Unity. The adult choir presented about fifteen
songs which included:
Swami enjoying the singing
Blessing the choirs and all
“You are my Shepherd in green pastures”, “Come and
serve the Lord with Joy”, “Almighty God”, “Jesus be with us”, “Soham
Sai Om”, “Turn your eyes upon Swami”.
After the presentations of the two choirs, Swami
blessed all with prasadam and gifted the two lady conductors, Sylvia
and Elma, with beautiful saris - only the Lord can cloth us with the
garment of salvation.
The Christmas Eve programme came to an end with arathi
offered to Bhagavan at about 5:30p.m.
The Christmas Morning Programme By
Sathya Sai Students
At last, the long awaited moment arrived - Christmas
morning - heralded by the radiance of the rising sun, to awake all to
the light of Christ within. The aura of Christmas filled the whole
ashram atmosphere with Atmic bliss and fragrance. One can feel the
tingling sensations in the air. Christmas carols were sung by the
children’s and adult choir in the Sai Kulwant hall. Christmas
melodies like “Silent Night”, “Joy to the World”, and “Come let us
adore Him” reverberated in the pillars of the mandir. Meanwhile,
nagasankeertan was going on around the usual route preceded by the
Vedic chanters. Verily, Heaven and Earth were one in joy.
Singing for the Lord on Christmas morning
The love of God at Christmas... what more is needed?
At about 8:50 a.m. there was a hush; silence descended
like dews from Heaven – a sign that beloved Swami was about to appear
for His divine darshan. Swami came in His car robed in ethereal
white. After lighting the Christmas candles, Swami sat in His chair
in the dais. All drank the nectarine bliss of Sai’s tangible Divine
With Swami’s blessings the Sri Sathya Sai Institute
brass band and the primary school violin boys took the stage. The
violin boys were the first to perform to the thrill and joy of all
devotees present. As they ended with a jazzy version of “Jingle
bells”, little ‘Santa Clauses’ went around among the seated devotees
to distribute sweets.
The little violinists
The Institute Brass Band
Next, Swami gave His blessing to the Institute Brass
Band to start their presentation. It is true! Music is the ‘food’ of
the soul. The Lord Himself is a lover of music. As the whole mandir
resounded with the melody and rhythm of the flutes, piccolo,
clarinets, trumpets, saxes, trombones, baritones, tuba, sousaphone,
and percussion instruments, it was as if the heavens stooped down in
awe and wonder: “Where comes this ethereal music that charms the ears
of angels?”. “It could be nowhere else but in Prasanthi Nilayam where
the Lord of Lords and King of Kings has taken form as Sathya Sai
Baba”, they concluded.
As the brass band came to an end it was the turn of
Swami’s students from the eighth class up to the post-graduate level,
to present their soul-thrilling Christmas songs. Each song like,
“Jesus is alive today”, “Jesus the Lord has shown the way to me”, was
preceded by words of wisdom between a child and his uncle. These
students sung from their hearts and uplifted the souls of all to a
realm beyond all worldly concerns.
More Christmas music
Darshan for the ladies
This was not the end. Swami asked the boys to start
bhajans. And while bhajans were going on, beloved soul-charming Swami
delighted all by going round to give His darshan and to cut the
Christmas cakes. This was an exciting moment of grace for thousand of
devotees gathered at the Lotus Feet. Swami went first along the
ladies’ aisles, and then the gents’ aisles – showering boundless Love
and Ananda.
Darshan among the men
Blessing all with His Love
Christmas Evening Programme – Two
Christmas activities came to a crescendo with the
Christmas evening programmes, which ended with Swami’s Divine
discourse that made all roll with laughter and bliss. At about 3:45
p.m. Bhagavan arrived for darshan robed in radiant red; his face
radiating heavenly bliss and joy. It is a joy that told how much He
loved Jesus, and how much He wants us to be like Jesus.
John Behner, the Christmas Committee chair person and
the South American zonal coordinator, introduced the evening
programme, and the speakers of the day: Mr. Arthur Hillcoat and
Father Charles Ogada. In his introductory speech, John told a story
of how Swami had recently healed his eye without surgery. Bhagavan is
the surgeon who operates without surgical instruments. Four years
back, Swami had told John that He Himself will fix his eye, and that
he should not go to any doctor. John then prayed to Swami to heal his
‘spiritual’ sight too.
Mr. John Behner introduces the evening programme
Mr. Arthur Hillcoat speaks
The first speaker was Mr. Arthur Hillcoat. In his
brief talk, he exhorted devotees to put into practice at least one
teaching of Bhagavan. In this way their lives would be fulfilled. He
also reminded us of our good fortune to be chosen as Swami’s
instruments of His Divine mission.
The next speaker was Father Charles Ogada, a Catholic
priest from the state of Abia in Nigeria, currently teaching at the
Sathya Sai school in Zambia. Father Charles said, “The essence of
Christmas is to realize the Christ Consciousness which is but our
inner Self. The purpose of our lives is to realize our true nature.”
He went on to narrate the thrilling story of how he came to the Lotus
Feet of Bhagavan, or as he put it, how Bhagavan came to him.
He continued to say, “I had lead a normal life until
the age of seventeen. I was to study medicine at a prestigious
university in Nigeria. One day as I sat in solitude, I heard a Divine
voice asking me what I wanted to do with my life. Recognizing the
voice to be that of God, I replied, ‘What else Father, but to offer
this life to You.’” His life thus took an unexpected turn as he
decided to study to be ordained as a Catholic priest. However, after
nine years of religious studies, he was frustrated as he still could
not come face to face with the God he was praying to. One day one of
his teachers mentioned the name ‘Sai Baba’, and this name he said,
“Shook the foundations of Heaven within me. There is tremendous power
in that name.”
Father Charles Ogada speaks
Father Charles Ogada
receives Swami's blessing
A few weeks later, Bhagavan appeared in his dream and
said without speaking, “I am the One you have been seeking”. He came
to Prasanthi Nilayam in 2001 and was overwhelmed by the Love of
Bhagavan which he said was like the Love of millions of mothers. When
he met Swami, he felt he was Jesus. For had Christ not said, “I and
my Father are One”. Father Ogada concluded his thrilling talk with a
prayer to Swami to make the entire world aware that the Father, who
Jesus had said had sent Him, is now with us.
After his speech, Swami's face lit with joy as He said
to him, "Swami is very very Happy". Swami then materialized a
glistening gold chain for him with a golden pendant engraved in
Swami’s image. Swami’s outpouring of Love was a sight for the gods to
behold as He put the chain on his neck, like the Father hugging His
son. Even the angels peeped down from Heaven to experience the
thrill of the scene. Who can possibly describe what the Lord has
prepared for those whom He loves?
Swami’s Divine Christmas
The moment of moments came when Swami stood up to give
His divine discourse. Swami thrilled one and all with memories of His
Divine tour to Africa, namely Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. Swami
related how Mr. Idi Amin was very fond of Him and used to have the
darshan of Swami both in the morning and evening. During His stay, he
arranged a dinner for Swami and meticulously got all instructions from
Dr. Patel as to Swami’s menu and how it should be prepared. On the
day of the dinner, Idi Amin’s wives stood in rows on either side and
greeted Swami with veneration. Idi Amin himself introduced each of
them one by one to Swami.
On the day Swami was to leave, which happened to be
Guru Purnima day, Idi Amin was suffering from pangs of separation and
started shedding tears pleading with Swami not to leave them. Not
only did Amin but the Africans were all in tears and fell at the feet
of Swami praying: “Bhagavan! Please spend this day with us.” Their
devotion melted the heart of Swami and made Him spend Guru Purnima
with them. An important miracle happened on this day. The Africans
had wished to take photos with Swami. Swami told them that they might
silently pray in their heart so that their requests may be fulfilled.
To their joy, each of them found a photo of Swami lying beside them.
Swami found the same deep devotion when He visited
Tanzania and Kenya. Swami revealed that the gifts that the African
devotees gave to Him (which comprised mainly of dinner sets, tea sets
in gold colour, etc.) are still with Him and are used to host high
dignitaries like prime-ministers and governors. According to Swami,
“The devotion of Africans is indescribable”.
It is not only the people of Africa that are devoted
to Swami, but also the wildlife of Africa. Swami delighted all with
stories of His journey through the wildlife habitats: how they gave
apples to the crocodiles and how these crocodiles, captivated by the
divine darshan, could not even remember to eat the apples, but kept
them in their mouths while gazing constantly at Swami. When the big
heads of mighty elephants saw Swami sitting in the car, they raised
their trunks in veneration and paid obeisance to Swami. Swami
concluded that the noble qualities in these animals are not to be
found even in human beings, as there was no feeling of hatred
whatsoever in those animals.
Swami stood for a full hour filling the hearts of the
devotees with stories of His divine leelas. He concluded the discourse
with the words: “Truth is eternal. It is only when you follow
this eternal truth that your name will remain in the annals of history
forever. Eternal truth will earn eternal peace for you.”
At about 6 p.m. arthi was offered to Swami by the two
speakers of the day to conclude the wonderful Christmas festivities
and leave memories to be cherished for a long time.
Christmas Mass At Prasanthi Nilayam
It came as a pleasant surprise when beloved Swami
graciously approved and gave His blessing for a Christmas Mass to be
conducted in the very abode of Supreme Peace, Prasanthi Nilayam. This
event was a historic moment in the annals of the Christian Church. It
was an auspicious sign that Swami has accepted the prayers of the
priest on Christmas evening for Swami to bring the whole Christian
Church to His lotus Feet and lead her to the complete truth.
The Mass being said
The Sermon
The Mass (Holy Eucharist) is the greatest symbol of
the Christian Church. In fact, whenever the Mass is said the whole
Church is believed to be present. When Swami gave His divine Blessing,
the Mass became the very consummation, the seal and the fulfillment of
all the prayers the Church has ever offered to the Father through the
Son, Jesus Christ.
The Mass was conducted on 27th December by Father
Charles Ogada as officiating priest and with him was a monk of the
order of Satchitananda founded by the Dominican priest, Father Anthony
For all in attendance the Mass was a deep moving
spiritual encounter. It was a Mass that transcended the barriers of
creed and caste, colour and language and transported the participants
to the experiential awareness of Swami’s words: “There is only one
religion, the religion of Love.” (Radio Sai will be broadcasting
this Mass on a forthcoming Sunday, in its new morning programme
“Moments of Oneness”.)
The Holy Eucharist
- Heart2Heart Team. |