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Sai Vichaar
 Thursday , April 13, 2006 :: Volume 8, Issue 48
 (In its eighth year of publication.)

Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form.

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FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Unseen miracles!

Behind every prayer and parayan (reading of holy books) there lies a desire, the quest for a miracle. Nice are those experiences where the seeker gets what he desires. It is the experiences of several devotees to receive the good news, from seemingly nowhere, beyond the logic, at the end of a sincere prayer. What of those who do not see the light at the end of the tunnel? Did Sai not hear them? Are those prayers not sincere?

A prayer is always sincere. The mere thought of surrendering our ego, even for a moment, at the feet of Sadguru and invoking His grace to the betterment of our existence is a significant step. However, not being able to receive the expected or wanted may not construe as a failure.

It does help one to know why the prayers aren't answered always. Why is that Sai withholds His miracles, seemingly to a few "unfortunate" ones? A careful analysis may help our little minds to some extent. Next time, if our prayers are unanswered, let us remember those occasions carefully and move on. Let our faith be doubled and let our love to Sainath is unchanged. It will be revealed later, that the prayers that were "unanswered" were a part of a much bigger plan. It will be known that, what happened is in our best interests. It will also be known that it may not be a dealing between Sai and the self, but a part of a grander revelation. "Seek my treasure. My coffers are open", said Sai. The best miracles are the ones that are unseen.



Guru Govind do khade- kiskolagu pai
Balihaarii Guru apne- Govind deo batai

Guru and Govind stand in front of me. Whose feet should I touch first?
Because of the grace of my Guru that I had the darshan of the Govind. Glory to my Guru.

In this Doha, Sant Kabir offers his pranams, first to the teacher, later to the Govind, and explains why is that so. He did not let down the God, but he stressed the importance of Guru in reaching God. Whenever we look at a house, we first see the door. The door helps us to enter into the house. Inside of the house cannot be seen from out side except the door. Like wise, the eyes cannot see the Brahman. To reach the Brahman we have to go through the Master(Guru). On the spiritual path, the role of a teacher is very important. We need the examples of the persons who are fully awake and aware of the Self all the time. The Guru knows the path and advises us about the pitfalls and traps in the path. The teachers are the best physicians. When the Bhava Roga (the disease of repeated birth and death in the material world) disables us, the teachings are the best medicine. Being around a spiritual teacher or a spiritual group of friends helps us to face the problems of life without much confusion and tension. Sadguru and satsangs are an important part of life. All of us are so fortunate to have a master like Sri Sai Baba. Sri Sai emphasized the importance of a guide in the life of a spiritual seeker. Sri Sai explained to us how much his teacher loved him and took care of him. Love is the simple path to reach God. To start with, many people love God or Guru due to various selfish reasons. As the days pass by, Guru will make the devotees to realize the defects of the earthly desires and would make them to ask for the permanent good.

(Contributed by Sai devotee)

CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: The Story of Stale Food

In the town of Shrabasti once lived a rich merchant named Migar. One fine afternoon, when he had just sat down for his freshly prepared and delicious meal, a Buddhist monk knocked on his door and asked for alms. At that moment, Vishakha, his daughter-in-law, was standing nearby and waving a fan over him. The merchant did not pay any attention to the monk's call and kept eating and enjoying his meal. When the monk called for the second time, Vishakha replied to the monk, My father-in-law is eating stale food and therefore, the monk should look somewhere else. On hearing these words the merchant immediately got into a fit of anger. He left his food, washed his hands, told Vishakha that she has insulted him, and asked her to immediately leave the house.

Vishakha politely replied-At the time of my marriage, you had promised my father that for any of my mistakes, you will consult the eight wise men of the town for the punishment that is appropriate for my mistake. I request you to fulfill your promise. This angered the merchant even more. He immediately called the eight wise-men and told them how Vishakha has insulted him. Once Migar had described the incident, Vishakha explained, Wealth, riches and worldly possessions in the present birth are due to the merits and good deeds that were performed by the person in his previous births. Everything in possession of my father-in-law is due to the merits of his past births. As he has now stopped doing good deeds in his present birth, so he is simply enjoying what he has accumulated from his past birth and therefore, I told the monk that he is eating stale food. After listening to Vishakha's explanation, the merchant realized his mistake and apologized to her.

(Contributed by Translated in English from Kalyan Magazine - contributed by Dharmender Rathore)

CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: News from Shirdi: Income Tax rule 1961 clause 35 AC to Shri Saibaba Sansthan.

Finance ministry of Government of India has granted the permission of 100 percent exemption in the Income Tax on the amount of donations being given by Sai devotees to the Sansthan. This exemption will be as per the Income Tax rule 1961 clause 35 AC. Chairman, Vice-chairman and Executive officer of the Sansthan, MLA Jayant Sasane, Shankarrao Kolhe and Bhausaheb Wakchaure respectively informed jointly in a press release here.

Ministry of the Central Government has published this information in the gazzate of India. This sanction is given under the scheme of social, economical, health, educational developments and essential facilities for the Sansthan. Sansthan can collect the donations upto Rupees 75 crores under this scheme. Uptil now, donors were getting 50 percent excemption in Income Tax on donated amount as per clause 80G. Thereafter the donors will get 100 percent exemption in Income Tax on donated amounts as per clause 35 AC.

The donations to be received under this scheme will be utilised for hospital, school, museum and food supply. Economically backward people can get the benefit under this scheme. The period of this scheme is from financial year 2005 to 2008. As per the gazzate published on February 3rd 2006, by the Finance Ministry of India, 12 such organisations(centers) got this permission. Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust (Shirdi) has got the highest limit of collection of donation i.e. Rupees 75 crores, is a matter of appreciation.

The donors are appealed to take the benefit of this scheme, informed by Mr. Sasane, Mr. Kolhe and Mr. Wakchaure.

(Contributed by Executive Officer, Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi)



I am from a catholic family in England. I began reading about philosophy and eastern religions, becoming obsessive and persistently searching books for the "answer". One fateful day, I was in the local library after work and had become tired and annoyed with myself over the time I was spending on this fruitless quest. I decided to give it up and to read something purely for entertainment. In the biography section, I saw an interesting book on the top shelf. I took hold of it but the book next to it fell to the floor. I am not clumsy and do not remember dislodging that book. This obviously aroused my curiosity. The book was Sai Baba, Man of Miracles by Arthur Osborne. Despite all my reading, I had never come across Sai. I was intrigued by a quick review of the contents and took the book home. Cutting a long story short, I have now been a devotee of Sai for 30 years, have twice visited Shirdi, my watch face has a picture of him and I "talk" to him each day. I have received great worldly and spiritual benefits over the years. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

A couple weeks ago, I was reading this newsletter, which mentioned about an article regarding Baba appearing at a devotee's home. Upon reading the same, I began to think as to if Baba would be kind enough and bless our home. It was late in the night, and upon coming home next day, I was simply amazed to see that we had received a photo of Baba along with Udi in mail on Thursday. This was nothing short of a chamatkar. All this happened on Thursday night. Come Friday, there were some major restructuring changes at my wife's work place. She dearly hung on to the photo of Baba, which had arrived the day before, and it was only due to Baba's blessing that she escaped unscathed from the job cuts. Thank you very much Baba for blessing our home. Baba please show us the right direction during the tough times and not let us have any ego during the good times.

I want to thank you Baba for arranging my sister's marriage (we were looking for last 2 yrs). After I started reading the Sai Satcharitha daily, things started settling down.

Sai Devotee
When I read Sai devotees prayer and Sri Saibaba's visit to their functions. I was praying Sri Saibaba to attend my son's marriage or reception. But I was thinking that I am not as strong devotee as other devotees so how will Sri Saibaba can come to my place. Before marriage, we perform Santek in Gujarat. Purnahuti is very important in this. During this stage, our priest calls a senior priest to help him. As purnahuti started the senior priest came and started saying the slokas. After completing purnahuti I ask my priest what dakshina I should pay the other senior priest. He told me that he do not know the senior priest and he did not invite the senior priest. So my wife asked me to pay him some dakshina. When I tried to pay him, he said, Did I asked for any money? I told him, I am giving it because I am very happy with his work. Then again the senior priest said he did ask for any money? I requested him and he took it. Then he asked me for rice and dal to eat. I could not understand why I did not offer him lunch as people were having lunch. When he asked me for rice and dal, I told my friend to take him at the lunch place. He only eats rice and dal out of so many items. After that he went away. Then I asked my neighbors, priest and many people but nobody knows him or seen him any time. Immediately it strikes to me Oh! Baba you came as a priest. Tears came out from all of our eyes. My family is a strong believer of Sadguru Sri Saibaba for more than 55 years and how can He forget us. Just keep faith and patience and He will be at your place. Many thanks Baba for your help all the time to my family and me. Please guide us all the time.

Sai thank you as promised I am posting my thanks through Sai Vichaar. Thank you Sai for saving my mother. Please be with all of us Sai.



Please control my husband's anger, give him patience, and let him be tolerant to my son's faults. Please take care of us Baba. I know that I have not been very good and faithful to You, but I need you Baba. Please help us and please bring peace to our family.

Lord show me the way to gain back my lost confidence. Give me strength, intellect, resources and courage to achieve my goal of setting up my school and my husband joining me.

Baba please help my husband hold on to this job, which he got by Your grace. Please help him meet his productivity goals, he is right now quite far from it and has only two months time to bring them.

My daughter is too young to make her decisions now. I pray to you Oh Sai! Please take care of her!

Oh Lord Sai! Please help my brother and sister-in-law remove all their misunderstandings. I feel that I do not have all the pieces of the puzzle and so I am not sure who is wrong in which way. As their well wisher, I can only ask from you Deva.

Sai Baba, please grant that I am promoted at work.

Sai Baba please help my husband to get a job, he is giving many interviews but he is not getting any job. Help my husband to get the job.

Please give strength, concentration and courage to my son, who is appearing for his IITJEE-2006 exam.

I would love to have a baby, my husband was not interested. We had been to a doctor; they found some problem in me. Please help me to overcome that problem.

We are desperate to have a child and we are trying since one and half year with no fruits, you know this, I pray to you everyday about this, I have cried in front of you everyday since one year, every month I expect I will get good news. Please bless us.



A month back I had been thinking about lord Ram. Many questions came to my mind in a quest to find if he truly deserves to be called god. He left his wife for the sake of the well being of his kingdom, how can such a human be compared with God? When Lord Rama met Sita after releasing her from Ravan why did only Sita had to undergo agni pariksha? Even after passing the agni pariksha eventually Lord Ram left Sita in the jungle. All these and many more questions confused me. I started reading randomly any one chapter from Sai Satcharitha to calm down my mind. In a weeks time I was again and again taken to the same Chapter where Sai tells Mrs. Khaparde to always chant Rajaram, Rajaram. I felt it was just mere coincidence. However, be it early morning's newspaper or watching TV Lord Ram's praise and articles puzzled me.
Finally, one early morning I just went on the web and searched for Rajaram in Google image search. I was dumbfounded to what I saw. Lord Ram Sitting on his throne the same way my Sai sits in his mandir at Shirdi. I realized that I need to surrender my ego and find more information about Lord Ram's life. I got answers to all my questions. His ways are truly inscrutable. Sai will always break your ego and myth's if you truly surrender to him. May he always keep showering his blessings and guide us in the right direction.

My job where I was working laid me off on September 16th 2005. However, to my wonder just before being laid off, Sai made me visit to a store, which I usually do the shopping. I just asked for job application and the manager said there are no applications and asked me to check next week. But when I was coming out from the store the district Manager came to visit the store for inspection and asked me what for I am looking? I do not know who he is? I told him that I was looking for an application for a job in the store. To my surprise, he asked me to wait and he got a pad of applications, gave me one, and asked me to fill the same and submit immediately. He waited till I completed the form and he interviewed me there itself and selected me after negotiating the pay terms etc. and confirmed the appointment and asked me to join after the due formalities of background check. In the same store, I applied earlier 2 or 3 times but there was no response. After this, I went home and in the night I went to the job as usual and I got the notice from my previous employer about my lay off. I am working in the same company now, which is a corporate store and has light work compared to the previous job. I am also given one more job in October 2005, to schedule my hours properly during the weekdays to have sufficient income. Both jobs are corporate owned and with certain benefits. I only pray Sai to give me the normal way of life, as he knows what is needed to me and he gives that. I only request all devotees to leave the burdens and worries to Him whatsoever and surrender to the lotus feet of Sai who takes care of everything.



"The four sadhanas and the six sastras are not necessary. Just have complete trust in your guru: it is enough".-Sai Baba



Q. What is the best way to worship Sai baba of Shirdi? What should be our routine?

A. by Sai devotee, NJ

There are many ways to worship Sai and it can be found across various chapters of Sai Satcharitha and as mentioned by various devotees in the previous newsletters. The ultimate worship would be if we could remember Sai all the time and see him in all the beings.
Sai has always said that he is present in all the creatures. In Chapter 22, Baba Says, "God lives in all beings and creatures, whether they be serpents or scorpions. He is the great wire puller of the world and all beings obey his command. Unless he wills it, nobody can do any harm to others. So we should take pity and love all creatures." In Chapter 9, Baba says to Mrs. Tarkhad, "I am roaming in their forms. He who sees me in all these creatures is my beloved."
As Lt Col. M.B. Nimbalkar puts in his book 'Shri Sai Baba's Teachings and Philosophy', -- "Thus if devotees are once convinced that Baba resides in every creature, would they ever dare to touch non-vegetarian food in any form at all".

Q. What is the best way to worship Sai baba of Shirdi? What should be our routine?

A. by Sai devotee

The best way to worship Sai is with a clean heart. There is no specific time, day or date. The only criteria required are we should have firm Faith and Patience. We should trust that our Sai would take care of all our needs. As Sairam says, we have to remember Sai often and all our afflictions will be removed. Whether a person is vegetarian or non-vegetarian does not matter. Baba wants only firm faith and of course true to the self. We should not just pray to get our matters or problems solved. We should not remember Baba only in times of problem. We have to remember Baba always and thank Him whenever something good happens and request Him if something bad happens.



Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USA
Shirdi Sai temple is open daily from 7:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Summer hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 7 a.m. followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m. and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to maildrop@saibaba.org.

Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, Minnesota
Regular Sai activities in Minneapolis, St.Paul area are being conducted at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, 725 Lake St NE, Apt #139 Hopkins MN. For details, please contact hamaresai@yahoo.com, or call Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center at 952-938-2983, and to read the monthly newsletter Sai Sandesh, visit www.hamaresai.org.

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website www.shirdisaidallas.org.

Shirdi Sai Satsang, Bay Area, California
Shirdi Sai Parivaar invites all to join us for Satsang every Thursday 7:30 pm at Odd Fellows Temple, 20589 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. For details please call 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu@yahoo.com or visit www.ShradhaSaburi.org.

Sai Satsang, New Jersey, USA
Shirdi Sai Dham, Inc regularly conducts Sai bhajans followed by Aarti and Parsad on every 1st Saturday of each month at Durga Mandir, Kendall Park, New Jersey from 3 pm to 5 pm (Winter Hours). All are requested to kindly come and receive Baba's blessings. For more information, please call us at 609-275-1334 or visit www.shirdisaidham.org or email us at shirdisaidham@hotmail.com

Shirdi Sai Satsang, Toronto, Canada
Shirdi Saibaba Sansthan invites all to join for satsangs every Thursday 7:00 pm at Sai Dwarkamai, 147 Winston Castle Dr. Markham, Ontario, L6C 2N4, phone 416-402-8089 or email: saileela99@yahoo.com. To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and family for any occasion at your residence, please call. Devotees can request udi or Holy water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone.

Shirdi Sai Mandir, Scarborough, Canada
The Shirdi Sai Mandir located at 2721 Markham Road, Scarborough, Ontario, M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) is open Monday to Friday from 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday from 10:30 a.m to 8:30 p.m. Dhoop Aarti is at 7:30 p.m. everyday. Bhajans are on Saturday from 5:00 p.m. onwards. For other temple activities and information please call 647-444-4724 or send an email to info@theshirdisaimandir.com.



Sai devotee Sadashiv Kavthankar suggests the following "Question of the week" as

Q. Name any one incident during The Life of Shri Sai Baba which has made a lasting impression on you?

Humbly Yours,
The Editor