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This is second part
of the transcript of a talk delivered by late Prof. Kasturi
many years ago. The
<<Part 1
in November issue. This is being brought to you from our
archives and we regret that we do not have the exact date of
this talk, but we can say with reasonable surety that it was
in the year 1987.
That is what He declared in His 21st
year. “The Vishwam or Universe is My Mansion.”
Vishwam is cosmos. It means that into which He has entered:
Pravesha. So God created this universe, and He entered into
it. He is found in every cell and in every atom of it. So it is
called Vishwa; that into which He has entered. And
therefore He says:
The Divine - Beyond
“I move all around the cosmos.
I am found everywhere.” And that is why we have stories how Baba is
all over the world. One method of Baba showing His presence in any
place is - what you call ‘signs and wonders’ - of Vibhuti or any
other thing falling from His pictures; not only His pictures but
other pictures too.
Whatever name you call Him,
Jesus Christ it may be, or it may be Rama, Krishna or whatever it
is, it doesn’t make any distinction. And in order to show that it
doesn’t make any distinction, you get this vibhuti or a
number of articles falling from His pictures - a thing that has
never been recorded of any Divine phenomenon so far in human
I have got with me photographs of
pictures in a shrine in Perth, Australia; three photographs that
this lady sent me. In one, you’ve got kumkum (vermillion)
in the shape of a big Om. Baba is standing and there is a big Om
encircling His frame.
And in another, you’ve got yellow
around His head; and in the third, a Shiva picture - they got in
pink! They call it ‘pink vibhuti’ all over the head arranged in a
beautiful form! He is found everywhere. His presence is felt. He
appears in dreams; He moves about. People have actually seen Him and
been touched by Him. He is a great Phenomenon.
For those of you who are in
Bangalore, when you go next, to go to Mysore, I would advise you to
go to a place near the second bridge of Kaveri - the bridge nearer
to Mysore - there you have a shrine of Baba and a great phenomenon
is happening there for the last eight years. There’s a man there who
was a labourer, a wage earner, in a sugar factory. He had come to
Mysore and he purchased a ring that was eight annas (paise)
worth; and it had an enamel portrait of Baba which fell off.
And later he kept it in a container
and you get from that container - from that enamel portrait -
something sweet, fragrant and sticky; something like honey which we
call amrita - a strange fragrance, a strange taste. And it
has been oozing out of that enamel portrait for the last eight
years, night and day! At least three quarters of a litre every day!
And when he puts it on your palm, you can see the trickle -
gradually the nectar coming, trickling and falling. Richard Bock of
America, has taken a film of that years ago, and it is still
‘It is for Me that I
am giving!’ - Baba
The signs of His presence are all over the
world. There is no place which is too far for Him. There is one
Norwegian, Tidemann, a marine engineer who has got a few patents.
The grain ships when they come, they have to take out the grain by
some vacuum arrangement or some such thing, by pipelines. He has got
patents of such contraptions. And he was in Bombay for many years
and used to go to Shirdi with some Parsi friends. He found that
Shirdi Sai Baba had taken avatar again. So he came to Baba and used
to visit off and on. When Pakistan bombed the harbors of East
Pakistan, Chittagong
had to be repaired. And this marine engineer
got a contract and before going there he came to Puttaparthi, and
Baba gave him a ring.
Sometimes we say, “I will give you a
ring, I promise” and what we do is we call them over the phone! Baba
actually gave him a ring, but some people say, “No Swami, I don’t
wear a ring usually, no jewelry, etc.” But Baba says, “No!
It is not for you! It is for Me that I am giving! So that I may have
some contact with you; so I may know what happens to you!” So it is
a kind of a contact that He wants to keep with the people whom He
wants to Grace. So this chap also said: “No, no ring for
me, Swami.” But Baba said: “No, it is for My sake” and He gave him a
After about six months, he came one
day to Whitefield. Bhajans were going on. Baba was sitting on His
chair and along with Dr. Bhagavantham and few Americans, I was to
His left. And he suddenly barged in at the door. He is a huge
person; Norwegian, tall and fair. There’s a sudden shadow on the
door and Tidemann appeared. And he found that people were engaged in
bhajans, so he slowly slid and sat by my side and Baba turned
towards him and asked: “Where is the ring?” Because the ring was
gone; it was not on his finger. He said, “Gone, Swami.” “Where?” “In
Chittagong River. I was climbing on the side of a ship with a rope,
and then it fell into that river.”
Baba just waved His Hand and there
was a ring. Of course everyone was tempted to ask: “Is it the same
ring?” That question came right up to my throat also but it was Dr.
Bhagavantham who asked. He said: “Is that the same thing?” Of course
his was a scientific curiosity. Swami turned to him and said: “After
having experienced me all these years you are still doubting?” He
got it. I would have got it too if I had come out with that
question. Luckily I had swallowed that question!
Swami said, “It fell into my hands.
I was in that river.” Now this is: “I move; I am everywhere.”
Tidemann’s ring fell into Chittagong River on a certain January 20th
or so, and he came in February. You can’t believe how all this is
“No! It is not for
you! It is for Me that I am giving! So that I may have
some contact with you; so I may know what happens to
you!” - Baba
Of course, in the Gita, in the
scriptures, we have got it. And we believe it, honor it, listen to
it and appreciate people who explain it. In Gita Yagnam
(worship dedicated to The Gita) they go on expounding it saying
‘God’s hands are everywhere, God’s feet are everywhere’. We
appreciate it and recite it. But here you have got a person who
says, “It fell into My hands!”
Of course, Tidemann came and did
namaskaar, and before He gave it to him, He said: “Look here! I
have told you not to do certain things when you are in Bangladesh.
And you are doing it! Now promise that you won’t do it again.” Then
he promised and shed some tears. Then, He gave it to him and
cautioned him again. So He is everywhere.
Or, let me give you one more
A Blessed Cat
At the government hospital in
Guwahati, Assam, a matron lived inside the hospital premises. And
she was a devotee of Baba. She had His pictures all over the place.
I have been to their house; they have one in the kitchen, one in the
drawing room, one in the sitting room, one in the shrine room, one
on the table, and one right in front of the entrance door - 16 big
pictures of Baba - and also other Gods and Divinities.
She was having bhajans in her house.
Her sister, a young girl of 13 who was going to school, one day
found a cat caught in the rain and brought that little creature
home. Her sister had an allergy for cats - something like Lord
Kitchener who had an allergy for cats, it seems, he could fight a
battle but not with a cat.
She was always blaming the sister
for bringing a cat into the family. But the sister used it as a pet.
One day, when she was preparing some dish out of fish or something
for lunch, this cat jumped at that piece of fish and ran out of the
house. And the sister’s pent up anger came against the younger one.
And she caught hold of the cat and began to beat the little being
with a stick. When she came to Whitefield later, I asked the sister
what was the length of the stick? And she showed me and I thought:
“What? To beat a cat with something like that?”
Yes! She did that. And the
cat was beaten. And as the cat was being beaten, all the pictures of
Baba on the walls fell down - kitchen, dining room, drawing room,
and table. They thought it was an earthquake; because in Assam there
are frequent earthquakes. And all the guests ran out on the road.
But she found that only Baba’s picture fell.
The sister said, “Stop
killing that cat!” And then, placed the cat on the table. The cat
shook her body because it was suffering terribly from pain. And all
over the table fell vibhuti that had been applied to the cat by some
unseen hand. Vibhuti! On the cat! That’s God!
Six months later, there was a
special railway coach that was engaged by the devotees of Guwahati.
They came for Swami’s birthday and Swami asked them all to sit in a
line. He talked to them and give them vibhuti packets - you know, He
hands out packets of vibhuti to be taken home. I was carrying the
basket from which He was taking out handfuls and giving it to
people. And I followed Him and the girl was there, Laxmi, the
younger sister who beat the cat, and I didn’t know her. I got the
story later, after this incident. And I was surprised and said, “I
have seen Him giving packets of vibhuti to the cat!”
I marked that particular girl and
when she came out, I asked: “Who is this cat to whom He is giving
vibhuti?” And then she told me the whole story: “There’s a cat
blessed by Him; He had put vibhuti on her.” Then I went to the place
and got a photograph of the cat and I fondled that cat because it is
such a blessed cat that Baba has put vibhuti on the cat. Call Him
and He answers. Even a cat!
The Unseen Passenger
In the second line of the Telugu
poem about Himself, Baba says, “I am available to devotees”.
This is His second characteristic which He mentioned. Here, it does
not necessarily refer to this form or name, because, as He says:
“I have no name.
Any name is enough for Me. If you are devoted, dedicated, and on the
God-ward path; if you are pure, true, genuine and sincere, that is
After my retirement, which happened
years ago, I went to Benares. Baba said, “You go on a pilgrimage.
Your mother is very anxious. You take her on a spiritual journey to
holy places.” So I, my wife and my mother, went to Him and wanted
His blessings for the journey. And then He said, “Four people are
journeying, purchase three tickets”. So we were four passengers with
three tickets. He is the stowaway in all planes and streamers and
really a ticketless passenger all through. At times, some
people ask Him, “Swami, give me leave, I want to go to Hyderabad or
some other place.” He’ll say, “Why do you ask leave of somebody who
is coming with you?” He is coming with us, He is always with us.
And sometimes Mr. Bala Krishna, Dr.
Bhagavantham’s son, also does that. He’s rather heavy and therefore
rather nervous of going on planes. So whenever he has got to make a
plane journey, He asks Baba’s blessings. And Baba says, “I will be
with you, go.” And invariably it has been found, which is Mr. Bala
Krishna’s experience and also others, if you take His blessings and
go on a plane, invariably, the seat on your left will be empty. That
was Bala Krishna’s experience. And when I was telling this to some
audience in Madras, immediately a lady got up! She belonged to the
World Health Organization. She said, “That has been my experience
The daughter of Dr. Chandru, a
dentist in Malaysia, had to go to Vancouver and he asked Swami’s
blessings saying, “I am sending my daughter to Vancouver.” Swami
said, “Alright, why are you worrying? I will take her to Vancouver.”
And she writes from there that in all the planes which she got into
on her way to Vancouver , the left seat was vacant! So He is that
ticketless passenger who occupies a seat always.
Awakened by ‘Ash’
“I have no name. Any
name is enough for Me. If you are devoted, dedicated,
and on the God-ward path; if you are pure, true,
genuine and sincere, that is enough.” - Baba
There was one Mr. Patterson, a
geophysicist who blongs to an organization in the United Nations.
And he had come to India for the first time, to Hyderabad where
there is a Geophysics Institute. And because Mr. Bala Krishna was
also a deputy director of that institution, he took him home and
there he found Baba’s portrait in that shrine room. He asked who He
was and he was told something about Him and he got rather curious
and said, “Give me some memento.”
Bala Krishna gave him a packet of
vibhuti. And he opened it and found: “Ash?” “Yes, Ash.” “Ash?” He
couldn’t evaluate vibhuti and he was rather surprised that what Bala
Krishna was giving him was a little bit of ash. And Bala Krishna
said, “No! If anyone gives me that packet, I would consider it as
most precious and I would keep it! You keep it.”
He said, “All right”, just for good
manners and put it in his pocket, and then thought, “What shall I do
with it?’ And when Bala Krishna told him to put it into his mouth,
he was shocked even more! Eating ash is not a very pleasant thing to
do. He said, “Whenever you encounter any difficulty which you cannot
overcome by yourself, put a little in your mouth and pray to Baba.”
He gave him a photograph too.
It is absolutely unbelievable what
happened later. He went home. He had to go to New York and he writes
a letter from London airport. “I got into a jumbo jet in Delhi and I
got the last seat, and I was surrounded by women.” Of course that’s
not a calamity for many people but he didn’t quite welcome it –
quite a misanthrope, I believe! He says there were women and
children; probably it was the nuisance these children created. 14
hours he had to travel surrounded by women and children. And I think
that many of these children must have got up on his shoulder and
taken his glasses out and tried to find out whether his nose was
fixed on his face nicely.
He felt absolutely miserable and he
wanted to change his seat. He says, “I got down at the London
airport. As I was walking around the airport, I remembered the
powder which he had given me. And I wanted to test its efficacy.”
And he put a little in his own mouth and thought of the picture that
he had got.
He writes, “Immediately, my
name was called over the loud speaker. I was asked to go to the
query office. I was informed that I was to continue the journey in
the first class! I was ushered into the first class. And when I
offered to pay the extra, they said it had been paid!” The
extra amount had been paid! And therefore the next sentence is
justifiable. The next sentence is: “That powder is some powerful
stuff!” And that Patterson came again! Of course, how could he keep
back after this experience? So he came here.
The other day, we had the Ramanavami
Day celebration here. And I was here until 12 noon and then I
hurried to Puttaparthi where Baba was. When I went there, since Baba
had already started His discourse, I couldn’t get in. I was in the
veranda. After the discourse was over, people trooped out, and Bala
Krishna too came out and behind him was Mr. Patterson. He introduced
me to him, “This is Mr. Patterson of the airport fame, of the powder
and its significance.”
I said, “You are Patterson? I have
been talking about you all over the country and I am glad I saw you
now.” And he had to leave early morning. Baba was interviewing some
others. So I said, “Are you waiting to see Baba?” He said, “No, I
don’t want to bother Him. For one and a half hours I was sitting in
the front line today. Baba was standing right in front of me. He was
speaking in Telegu; but that doesn’t matter. I heard His voice; I
listened to Him singing bhajans, two of them! I could see Him; fill
my eyes with Him for one and a half hours! That is enough. I am
going.” That is Patterson. London airport gets upset on account of
this man putting a little vibhuti in his mouth! That is the kind of
power that this Phenomenon is.
Household Rescue
Dr. John Hislop said that he once
bought a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Then they found the
hill was seeping; it wasn’t geologically a safe place. So the houses
were getting down and one of the houses had, in fact, collapsed and
gone into the waves. And the geologists of Mexico came and measured
with a tape and said, “This month it has come three cms, four cms,
etc.” So it was inevitable that his house must go in the Pacific
Ocean. And they didn’t know what to do. So Hislop put up a
big photograph of Baba facing the Pacific Ocean and prayed, “Stop
the waves! Stop this hill from sliding!” And he said the geologists
were not able to discover any further sliding of the house down the
hill. For devotees who are dedicated to Him, He will stop the earth
from sliding or the sea from inviting houses into itself!
Now, the third line of the poem is
very important. Hitherto what we have read of incarnations is that
God says,” I will protect and guard the devotees.” But Baba says, “I
will give devotion and save.” All of us have come because He has
given devotion to us. He has caught hold of us and given us love for
Him. He has put us on the right path and trained us.
<<Part 1
(To be continued…)