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January 14th: Happy Sankaranthi -Today morning Swami came to Sai kulwant hall at around 9:45 am. Then the programs for the Sankaranthi began. Swami gave a discourse this morning. After the discourse the students were given medals for their achievements in sports. When the programs ended it was around 11:30 am. Hopefully we will get some picture this evening. Now the evening bhajans have finished some program is going on will report more on that later. There are quite a few devotees here for this Sankaranthi. All of them are getting their love worth with swami's discourse in morning and more programs this evening. Today evening there was drama after the bhajans. Students perfomed ramayana and a story about Valmiki. The drama ended ending the events in Puttaparthi for this sankranthi.

Thought for the Day -Sankaranthi Special

The Sankaranthi festival should be regarded as the day on which man turns his vision toward God. Man's life may be compared to a stalk of sugar cane. Like the cane, which is hard and has many knots, life is full of difficulties. But these difficulties have to be overcome to enjoy the bliss of the Divine, just as the sugar cane has to be crushed and its juice converted into jaggery to enjoy the permanent sweetness of jaggery. Enduring bliss can be obtained only by overcoming trials and tribulations. Gold cannot be made into an attractive jewel without subjecting to the process of melting in a crucible and beating it into the required shape.


Significance of Sankranthi

This festive day has been celebrated from ancient times as a day of fulfillment and joy. Every festival is a social occasion, arising in society, flourishing in society, and promoting the well being of society. Every festival has been designed to promote the welfare of society. With social changes, festivals also have undergone changes.

Today's festival is an extremely important one for Bharatiyas. It is a festival to celebrate the glory of the Sun God.

The Sun moves every month from one sign of Zodiac to the next.

Sankranthi meaning 'sacred change' - occurs every month as the Sun moves from one house of the Zodiac to another. But special sacredness attaches to the movement of the Sun to Capricorn (Makara-Sankranthi).  -Sai Baba  

Date:14 Jan 1998 Occasion:Sankaranthi Place:Prashanti Nilayam


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