Supernatural Acts Of God-Sai Baba
By R.D. Awle
Here are four representative stories, from among the thousands I’ve heard
and read, which reveal a glimpse of Sai Baba’s divine power, compassion
and sense of humor. The first is the account of Bhagwandas Daswani, a
prosperous businessman of Hong Kong (reprinted from Face to Face with God,
by V.I.K. Sarin, former senior journalist at one of India’s leading
“On May 10, 1977, I was struck with a massive heart attack. I was admitted
to the Queen Mary Hospital on May 11, and I learned later that at 4 a.m.
on the same day Baba had called my son, who was studying in Swami’s
College at Whitefield, and told him, “Go to Hong Kong immediately, as your
father is having a little heart trouble.”
Daswani said, “I actually died for two minutes and was revived by
Although Daswani came around, there was no improvement in his condition
and he was confined to the Intensive Care Unit. On May 20, he suffered a
relapse and started hemorrhaging from the anus. He was losing about four
pints of blood a day. He had drips in both arms and a pad over his heart.
The hemorrhaging continued for three days and by May 24, his family had
lost hope for his life, and so had the team of doctors.
“On the morning of May 25, at exactly 4:10 a.m.,” recalled Daswani,
“Sathya Sai Baba walked through the wall of the room and sat on the bed.
He showered vibhuti all over me. The vibhuti came pouring out of his hand
in a never-ending flow. With the vibhuti bath I suddenly felt a surge of
strength all through my body. I was completely baffled by the appearance
of Baba in the room, and thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I
therefore said, ‘Baba are you really here or am I dreaming?’ He said, ‘I
am here all right. What would you like me to do?’ I said, ‘Just put me on
that couch over there next to the bed, so that I know I am not dreaming.’
He then lifted me up as though I was a feather and placed me on the couch.
The drips in my arm remained intact, nothing was disturbed. Baba then left
the same way as he had come.
“I then rang the night bell to call the staff nurse. A horde of nurses
came rushing into the room. Their astonishment was beyond description.
‘How did you get here?’ they asked. ‘I walked,’ I said, aware that it
would be impossible for them to believe the truth. ‘Who has been in here?
And what is all this dust all over the bed, and all over you?’ they asked.
I said, ‘Don’t ask me. Just collect that dust and put it in a paper bag
for me.’ They did this and collected one and a half kilograms of vibhuti.
“I began to improve rapidly after this, and the doctors and the staff kept
questioning me as to what had happened. Finally an Indian doctor showed up
and he said to me, ‘Look, I am an Indian. You can tell me what happened.’
I told him, and he kept my secret. On May 29 I was able to walk by myself
to another ward. I made a complete recovery, and what is more, my diabetes
has disappeared and my blood sugar is normal. I owe my eternal gratitude
to Bhagavan Baba.”1
Here is the testimony of Kitty Lamonte of Scotland (as related in Divine
Glory, by V. Balu & Shakuntala Balu):
“My story begins sometime last summer, when I first became aware of Baba.
I was invited to visit some Indian friends of a friend of mine and they
talked so lovingly and honestly about Baba that I decided to read more
about him. I read ‘The Holy Man and the Psychiatrist’ [by Samuel
Sandweiss], and in fact used it almost like a Bible, in that I read the
writings of Baba everyday.
“At this time I had something of a drinking problem and was consuming far
more alcohol than was good for me, but was unable to stop. I decided that
I would enlist the help of Baba, so for three nights I sat there with the
book, Baba’s photograph and the whisky. I poured my drink on the 27th
November, at 11:45 p.m. and sat down to watch T.V. I put my hand on the
book, looked at the photograph and said, ‘You really will have to help me
to stop this.’
There was an almighty noise and the glass exploded into a million bits. It
went everywhere in the room, it was under tables, on top of books in a
bookcase and some of it was found by my housekeeper the following day,
under the cushion I had been sitting on. . . .
“The most interesting thing for me happened two days later. I was on a
train and had not been able to get the sound of this exploding glass out
of my mind, when a voice in my head said, “Did you notice that not a bit
of it touched you?” I cannot tell you the feeling of absolute joy I
experienced at that moment. I suddenly realised that only a miracle could
have stopped this glass from damaging me very badly. It was no more than a
foot away from my face.
“I have now made a firm commitment to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, never
to drink alcohol again.”2
One day Baba called a poor Muslim family in for an interview, and along
with them, one Hindu man. (The person who told me this story heard it
directly from the Hindu man.) A boy in the family was distraught because
his two best friends had gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and his parents
couldn’t afford to send him along. (As a consolation, they’d brought him
to see Sai Baba.) Baba started the interview by saying to the boy, “So,
you want to go to Mecca.” The boy burst into tears, and Baba then turned
and spoke to the others for a while. The boy continued crying, and finally
Baba turned to him and said, “You really want to go to Mecca, don’t you!”
Baba then tapped the wall of the interview room with His hand, and the
wall disappeared - and in its place, a street scene from Saudi Arabia
appeared. “Look, there are your two friends. Now go! You have half an
hour.” The boy walked into the street scene... and the wall reappeared.
Baba spoke with the stunned family for another half an hour, and then
tapped the wall again. The street scene reappeared - and the boy walked
back into the interview room, proudly carrying some souvenirs from Mecca!
A month later, when his friends returned home, the boy’s parents asked
them, “How long was he with you?” Confirming the boy’s account, his
friends replied, “Two weeks.”
(Clearly Baba is a Master of both time and space - as well as being That
which is beyond time and space! That’s the fourth story I’ve heard about
Sai Baba instantly transporting someone to a distant land through His
interview room wall.)
Here is an account of the resurrection of V. Radhakrishna, as told by
V.I.K. Sarin in Face to Face with God:
“The miracle took place in 1953. Radhakrishna was seriously ill with
gastric ulcers and other complications, when he visited Puttaparthi [from
his home town of Kuppam] in the hope that Baba would cure him. He was
accompanied by his wife Radhamma and daughter Vijaya. On arrival at the
ashram he was put straight to bed. Baba, who was then only 27 years old,
visited him but made no attempt to heal him. Radhakrishna complained that
he would rather die than continue to suffer the extreme pain he was in.
Baba smiled but made no comments.
A few days later Radhakrishna went into a coma and his wife and daughter,
who were at the bedside, heard the “death rattle” in his throat. Swami
came and examined him, but still did nothing. An hour later Radhakrishna’s
breathing stopped. He turned blue, and then went cold and stiff. A male
nurse pronounced him dead. Baba examined him again. “Don’t worry,” he
said. “Everything will be all right.” But he still made no attempt to
revive him. The faith of the wife and daughter was put to severe test. The
following day they sat loyally by the bedside anxiously awaiting any signs
of returning life. But there was no indication of revival. Somehow the two
women managed to cling on to a vestige of faith that in His own way and in
His own time Swami would revive Radhakrishna. On the morning of the third
day the body turned dark, quite stiff and began to smell. It was suggested
to Radhamma that the “corpse” should be removed from the ashram, but she
refused adamantly to countenance such action without the authority of
Baba. His aides asked for instructions as to whether the body should be
sent back to Kuppam or be cremated at Puttaparthi. Baba replied
enigmatically, “We’ll see.”
The two women were in despair. They went to Baba and pleaded with Him. He
simply said, “Have no fear. I am here.” He did, however, promise to visit
their room and examine Radhakrishna later. An hour went by, then two and
there was no sign of Baba. It was then that Radhamma and Vijaya gave up
hope. Then, suddenly, Swami appeared in the doorway of their room, calm
and smiling. The two women burst into tears, like Mary and Martha, the
sisters of Lazarus, weeping before their Lord who, they thought, had come
too late.
Gently He asked them to leave the room, and as they moved out He closed
the door behind them. They do not know - nor anyone else knows till this
day - what really transpired in the next few minutes in that room where
only Swami and the dead man were present. But in just a few minutes, Baba
opened the door and beckoned the women in there, to see their loved one
sitting up in bed and smiling! The stiffness of death had vanished and his
natural colour was returning. Baba said to him, “Talk to them, they were
worried.” Radhakrishna, with a puzzled look said, “Why are you worried? I
am all right!” He was not aware that he had been in a deathly coma. Swami
then said to Radhamma, “I have given your husband back to you. Now give
him a hot drink.” Thereupon He blessed the family and left. The next day
the patient was strong enough to walk. On the third day he wrote a
seven-page letter to a relative in Italy. A few days after that the whole
family returned to their home in Kuppam. Not only was Radhakrishna raised
from the dead, but the gastric ulcers and the other complications were
completely healed. It was a repetition of the raising of Lazarus.”3
[Copyright 2001. Dated August 2001. This material may be downloaded,
reproduced and distributed freely,
as long as the source is clearly attributed.]
1 Face to Face with God, V.I.K. Sarin, Sai Towers
Publishing, Prashanti Nilayam, 1993; pp. 227-228.
2 Divine Glory, V. Balu & Shakuntala Balu, S.B. Publications, Bangalore;
1985; p. 297.
3 Face to Face with God, op.cit.; p. 142-3.