Dr. A.V. Lakshminarasimham, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The Cosmic Form
The concept of Brahman, the Ultimate Conscious Reality, manifesting itself
as the Universe, and Its being the material and the efficient cause for
creation, represents the pinnacle of philosophical quest. Yet, the
cognition of the truth of the Immanence of Brahman is difficult to
achieve, for it is impossible for man to rend the veil of Avidya or Maya.
Such understanding of Brahman comes best to man when the Lord vouchsafes
'Viswavirataswaroopa Darsana' to the ardent seeker - not by jaded
disquisition of self-designated philosophers.
During the Summer Course on Indian Culture and Spiritually held in 1974 at
Brindavan, Bhagawan had been discoursing on "Brahman" and other related
topics with remarkable clarity and lucidity, quite characteristic of
Bhagawan's expositions on any subject. One day, He walked up to me and
asked me, "Have you been able to follow the discourses?" "Yes, Swami! They
are so nice," I replied immediately. He then said, "you shall see
something more" and walked past to the waiting congregation. During the
early hours of the next morning, around 3 A.M., I was awake to a unique
and astounding experience. In the open where I slept Baba appeared in a
magnificent, glorious, gigantic form, sitting in the lotus posture,
'padmasan' on the ground. I was standing before him and I could see the
width of His knee, in that splendorous form, exceed my own height. I had
to lift my head up a considerable angle to look at Baba's face,
resplendent and beautiful, with matted locks of hair of luminescent
copper-brown hue. To the right Lord Ganesha was sitting, while on the left
Lord Subramanya was standing. Baba said "Behold!" and I looked into His
eyes and later fixed my gaze on His Chest. Lo! In Him, vast space teeming
with millions of stars, many of them being formed and fading out then, the
planets and their moons whirling past, the earth with its variety of flora
and fauna, forests deserts, oceans, mountain ranges, industrial workshops,
railway lines, sky scrapers, airplanes and all things that are found on
this tiny little earth. The whole Universe in Him! My body became warm at
this marvelous, awesome, wondrous experience. What a majestic, glorious,
Cosmic Form! Immediately thereafter, Baba diminished in size, to His
normal height, and appeared as an ethereal, enchanting Form glowing with
bluish luminosity. This is Sai as Vishnu, I felt.
The two visions I had the good fortune to have as described above clearly
demonstrate the Immanence of Brahman in the Universe and also that our
Lord Sri Sathya Sai is none else than that Supreme Being who is the Lord
of the Universe