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Experiences of Baba-Dwarakamai Miracle - Anonymous Sai Devotee
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Experiences of Baba-Dwarakamai Miracle - Anonymous Sai Devotee

Lord Sai Baba is also lovingly called "A Miracle Man". But i say why do we ask for miracles? We should only crave for His love, grace and blessings which itself is a miracle for us. We have done many bad karmas in our past lives, so if Lord Sai Baba has taken us in His fold after forgetting and forgiving our sins, that it should be enough for us to know Him. I do not think any miracle is needed for Him to prove us. This is what below devotee has experienced and narrates what all thoughts are.
Anonymous Devotee says: Dear Hetal Ji, Jai Sai Ram, thanks for my posting my previous experiences.

Sai Baba Cured my Daughter's Leg

Sai Nath rescued my Daughter

Wish you good luck on your health. I just read that your Grand Mother passed away. I am sorry to hear that news and I wish from my heart that your Grand ma soul rest in peace. Thanks again for all the good deeds you are doing today and Baba will certainly bless you with everything. Kindly do not disclose my email Id, name and my location.

I would like to share a new and strange miracle of mine, which has increased and deepened my Love, Faith and Devotion towards our Father Shri Sai Baba.

I was working on a couple of my Projects (Business) and I was yet to finalize. Although one of my Project was finalized, but we had not signed the contract since 3 months due to some open issues. However, all issued related to this project was finalized except pricing as this was to be decided by the Government bodies and thus causing delays. However there was an indication of prices given by government through draft, but not a final one. So I was desperately waiting.

As per my routine calls, I called my mom to India and while talking to my mom, she said she wanted to tell me something very important and I said fine. But after thinking and giving a pause my mom said that she cannot recollect what she wanted to say and she would tell me later if she remembers. So we continued talking about my kids, business etc. Then suddenly my mom said, yes I remember and she started telling me that there was a miracle in Dwarakamai. She told me that Baba’s face had appeared on the wall of Dwarakamai. I was speechless for a moment. Obviously, I was excited about this news. My mom said, many of my family members had seen this clip in the internet. I thanked my mom for giving me this info and I said I will certainly watch the video. Just to let you know, my mom is the one, who always tells me news about Baba. I think Baba also wanted my mom to pass this on to me.

I started searching in YouTube and found the clip. For the first time, I was not able to make out Baba face clearly. But as I started watching the video closely, I could see Baba’s Scarf and moustache and the shape of Baba face. I was just thrilled to see this clip and thanked Baba a lot for giving me this opportunity. Various thoughts were rising in my mind behind this miracle. Then suddenly a thought arouses in my mind. Perhaps, is this not a setting done by Temple Authorities to attract more crowds? But then my inner voice said, no way, Baba needs no fame. If at all temple authorities wanted, then they could have done it long time ago, when Baba's fame was still spreading and not now, when there are thousands and lakhs of devotees visiting Baba daily. Thinking like this, I went on arguing to myself. Somehow, I was not convinced and satisfied. I wanted a proof of this miracle. So finally, I placed it before Baba and prayed that Hey Sainath, I know miracles are not new to You. Your life is full of miracles, but to me, I am confused and I will not discuss this with any one, except You. If this Miracle of Yours is true, then in the next few days, can You show me a miracle? Saying like this, I prayed to Baba and asked Baba to at least show me a miracle in one of the 2 things I choose (Obviously on my business). Either my business contract to be signed in next few days or a project belonging to my parents (business) saying like this I ended my prayer.

Whenever I have doubts or clarifications regarding Baba, I always ask Him directly and I will never like speaking about it to anyone. The reason being that, Number one, I trust Baba completely and Baba is very pure and two, if you ask Baba anything straight, then you will definitely receive an answer.

After this 2 days passed, nothing happened. I felt guilty for what I had asked Baba. I thought I am a very bad devotee, because when lakhs of devotees in India and world believe on this miracle, I in turn asked Baba to prove it. I cursed myself at once, but again I was very strong. Then again I thought why will Baba prove me? He actually doesn't need to prove me and I am a very small devotee, who even cannot sit 5 minutes meditating on Him. Then on Tuesday 10/Jan/2012, this is what happened. A business partner of mine, who was making me wait to sign the contract, responded to me telling me that he wants to sign the contract within this week. I was very happy and excited, prior to this I did send him a follow up email on Tuesday Morning and he replied the same on Tuesday afternoon. The Contract was signed on 12/Jan/2012. I had no voice, so it is definitely a Baba miracle that happened in Dwarakamai and not a setup. Baba Himself created this miracle to increase faith and devotion to devotees like me, who are always a bit wavier. But in my heart of hearts, I always loved Baba and never left Him so far and always waited for Him to rescue me and thus I guess Baba created this inner feeling and showed me a Miracle to further strengthen my devotion and love.

This Project is very important to me and my career. I spent almost 2 years to make some business and this will be my first success. I spent days and nights workings and of course lot of sacrifices. As soon as I get my first payment I will be visiting Shirdi in March 2012 along with my complete family. I am just waiting for my payments now and I am sure I will receive them soon.

So Sisters/Brothers, if there is anything, you want to ask or clarify regarding Baba, then ask Baba Himself. One last thing, it is definitely a Baba Miracle. For all Sai Devotees, who were puzzled like me regarding Dwarakamai Miracle, the answer is "YES" the Miracle in Dwarakamai is true and it's Baba's creation. I think Baba used me as a medium to prove on this miracle. I am blessed and so are every Sai Devotee.

Hey Sai Nath, I don't have much to say because I am lost in your thoughts. Let my mind always remain busy in Your thoughts and at Your holy feet. Humble salutations to our Holy Father Shri Shirdi Sai Baba.

Submitted to SBOI-Group by Hetal Patil Rawat