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Relationship With Lord - Sai Devotee Shekar

The following mail of Sai Brother Shekar Ji is not related particularly to any deity. It carries are very deep meaning if we assimilate his experience. It certainly conveys the same message which our Lord Sai Baba used to say "Sabka Malik Ek". It is very well drafted and it will not leave you throughtout.

Sai Brother Shekar Ji from Mauritius says: I convinced about the divinity of Sai after a great miracle He performed in my life on 23rd November, which I shall relate on another occasion. I made my first trip to Puttaparthy in June 1992. Couple of weeks later, in Whitefield, I made a wonderful dream, whereby Swami conveyed to me the answer to my question about what is our relationship with God. How wonderfully He showed me that He, Sai (God), is ours mother, father, brother, sister, consort and friend. Thank you for enabling me to share this valuable experience.

From Puttaparthy, we followed Swami, as He moved to Whitefield. Since Childhood, I used to question about one's relationship with God. Who else could best answer this question, if not the Lord Himself. That night, after, as usual, reading Sai's book. I felt asleep. In my dream, I was in the very same room, in Whitefield. Suddenly my father popped in. To my consciousness, He was my father, but His physical appearance was Swami Himself standing there in His orange robe. He was scolding me for certain things I did back home, which He was not pleased with, in particular my betting on Horse racing. So He said that and He left the room angrily.

Hardly He had left my room. Then my mother ran in and started patting and consoles me, with words like "You know how your father is. He is saying all these out of love for you. Do not take His words at heart". However, again, I knew that it was my mother talking to me, but she took Swami's form. As I can recall it was Swami there and then.

This followed by seeing myself in midst of my brothers back home in Mauritius. Here my elder brother was busy giving me precious advices as to how to run my business and to sort out few problems. Again, He was in the form of Swami.

Next day, I was driving my sports car and by my side my girl friend sat. She laid her head on my shoulder and was somewhat sleepy. In reality, it was none but Swami Himself and I was lovingly caressing her (His) hair with my left hand, while my right hand was on the steering wheel. I was driving with utmost prudence so as not to disturb her (His) rest.

Then I reached my destination, which was my sister's place and once out of the car, I saw my sister waving to me from her balcony, and it was Swami's in person again. I found myself carrying a crate of soft drink to my sister and I was helped by my dear friend. Yet this friend of mine took swami's physical appearance.

What a marvel, when I wake up and interpreting the dream, I realized that my sweet Lord has given the answer (through explicit experiences) to my untold puzzle, showing me that the Lord can be our Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Friend and consort as well.

Moving to Darshan in the morning. I related the dream to an American lady and the landlady. I told them I'll buy a Rose flower and try to offer it to Swami during Darshan with a wish that if He happens to take it from me. Then it will be a sign that He deliberately gave me that dream as an answer to my question about one's relationship with God, else it was just a mere dream.

Everything went up favorably and I got best position at Darshan to be able to offer the flower, which I bought on my way, to Swami. Amidst of a sudden, there was total silence, but accompanied with a soft and appealing pleasant music. Swami floats in amongst the Darshan lines. My heart beats could be heard miles away as my heart began to pound. He moved into my Darshan row and nearing me. I closed my eyes and offered the flower with my hearty wish, only to realize, instant later, that He went passed me without taking my flower. Imagine my deception then as my thought rush to saying “Oh that was just a mere dream”. Hardly was this thought made that He rushed back to me and plucked the flower from my hands and moved around with it in His hands. My joy knew no bounds and tears flew from my eyes. “Oh! What a Leela, my Lord and thank You my sweet Sai for this marvelous experience.” was what I conveyed to Him.

I express heartily that, by Swami's grace, I am able to share this experience, be it some twenty years later! Jai Sai Ram!

Submitted to SBOI-Group by Hetal Patil Rawat