* Note:
Dates given above are only indicative
and are subject to change.
It is a remarkable feature of festival celebrations in Bhagawan’s
presence that they are not confined to any particular religion or
deity. They are universal in character emphasizing the underlying
unity of all religions and the fundamental message of love and
peace. Indeed, Bhagawan had declared in a discourse delivered on the
occasion of the First World Conference of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Organizations at Mumbai in July 1968: “This is a human form in which
every Divine entity, every Divine Principle, that is to say, all
Names and Forms ascribed by man to God, are manifest”. Thus, we see
today, devotees professing different faiths being drawn to Bhagawan
from all over the world, seeing in Him the Name and Form that is
most dear to them, and also deriving the bliss of celebrating their
religious festivities in His Divine presence. Typically, the
programme consists of speeches by students, functionaries of
Bhagawan’s Institutions and devotees, where they share their
thoughts and recount their experiences and lessons learnt at the
Divine Lotus Feet. This is usually followed by Bhagawan’s discourse
and cultural programmes. At the conclusion of the programme,
Prasadam (sacramental food) is distributed to everyone.