Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every
Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri
Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your
interested associates in its original form. |
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FEATURE OF THE WEEK: The Tender Heart of the Saint
The heart of a mother is full of tenderness, but it is
limited to her child only; but the heart of the Saint is all inclusive,
it knows the how and whence of the origin of each one and the
vicissitudes they have to go through.
The Saint is full of spiritual knowledge and pacific
repose, there is nothing wanting. He practices his sadhana in such a way
as not to be discovered by others; he has no use for the external marks
of saintliness, he dresses in keeping with the time and climate.
Being in touch with the atom, the first cause of the
universe, he knows its nature quite well. Blossoming forth is the very
nature of the core of this atom, hence changes and differentiation are
bound to be there. Knowing this well, the Saint is neither elated by
pleasing events nor depressed by the opposite ones.
He has gauged the depth of the knowledge of the common
man. He knows its nature from beginning to end. He knows the how and the
why of the mentality, also the worthlessness of its achievements and
failures. The needs of the body prompt the creature to acquire means of
sustenance, but the greed for these makes the creature pursue them to
the point of uselessness, and all of this without the least idea of what
awaits the life in future. What the creature deems essential and strives
to acquire, the Saint knows to be sheer trash.
The Saint is never a victim of passions. Life is a
mixture of passions and emotions; Atman, the origin of passions and
emotions, is the very core of the Saint's vision, the nature of which he
is thoroughly acquainted. He knows its activities and varieties of
manifestation, as well as their consequences. The life principle is the
principle of feelings, passions, and emotions. Desires and passions
engendered in this principle are just emotive experiences, they have
nothing of substance in them; yet the poor creature thinks them to be of
great significance in his life, embraces the basically worthless
desires, indulges in sense enjoyment, and runs after them helplessly.
The mother, with sincerity but in ignorance, feeds the
roots of misery, while the Saint, with the same intensity, weeds them
out. The Saint knows what the welfare of the people lies in much better
than does the mother of her child. That is why the heart of the Saint is
said to be kind.
(SOURCE: "Self Knowledge and Self Realization" by
Nisargadatta Maharaj Edited by Jean Dunn) |
CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: Bayajabai -The Personification Of
Love (continued from last week)
Bayajabai used to invite Baba to come in and rest a while
whenever he came begging, but Baba would always politely decline. The
most he would do was to sit in the shade in the forecourt of their
house. Bayajabai would plead with Baba to sit inside the house and eat
there in front of her but Baba would do as he pleased. Rarely would he
sit in their forecourt and have his food there. Bayajabai would be
ecstatic with happiness on those occasions when Baba ate in front of
her. She would plead, "Eat a little more, try this curry?" and make him
eat a little extra. "Have something to drink," she would beg Baba.
Normally Baba ate bhakri (unleavened bread of coarsely ground millet)
with a little curry. Sometimes he would ask for milk, curd, buttermilk,
pickles, onion or pappadam (very thin chapati-like preparation of black
gram, fried in oil or roasted over coals) and eat them with relish.
Bayajabai would always keep these foods ready in case he asked for them.
Bayajabai served Baba thus with great love and unswerving devotion for a
long time. We are unfortunate that no written record is available to us
of what Baba taught Bayajabai or what divine experiences he gave her.
One incident is, however, available to us about Bayajabai from the
reminiscences of Tatya Patil.
Radhakrishna Ayi was first staying at Pandharpur and
later came to Shirdi. Once she decided to go on a pilgrimage to
Pandharpur from Shirdi by foot. Bala Shimpi and Madhav Fasle also
started along with her. They wanted to take part in the festival which
would be held at Pandharpur on the 11th (ekadasi) day of the month of
Ashaad. My mother, a few others, and I too decided to go to Pandharpur
to take part in the festival. As Radhakrishna Ayi and her group had
already left, we decided to go by cart as far as Ahmednagar and catch up
with them, after which we could all proceed further by foot. My mother,
my brother-in-law, Lakshmibai Shinde and a few other ladies all got
ready for the trip.
Before starting, we all went to the mosque to have the
darshan of Baba and take his blessings for the trip. Baba blessed us and
gave udi to each of us. Three carts packed with our stuff were standing
ready under the tree at the village well. I went and broke a coconut at
the Maruti temple so that our trip would go well without any problems,
and later went to the temple of Saturn. About fifty villagers were
standing at the village well to bid us farewell. While I was on my way
to the temple of Saturn, I was surprised to see Baba standing where the
Samadhi Mandir is at present. I broke a coconut at the temple of Saturn
and came out. As I was coming out of the temple, Kondya, a Muslim
devotee of Baba, came and told me that Baba was calling me. I went to
Baba. He took me to the mosque. Some of the villagers who had come to
bid us goodbye came with me to the mosque while the others stayed on at
the well. I sat besides the railing at the mosque while Madhavrao
Deshpande (Shama) sat opposite me. Madhavrao lit the pipe and gave it to
Baba. Baba sat smoking. All were quiet. After a while Madhavrao said, "Deva
(Oh, God) your Bayajabai and the others are all waiting for him to come
so that they can go to Pandharpur. "Call Bayajabai," replied Baba.
My mother hurried in and said, " Baba, have you sent for
me? The sun has set and the dusk is deepening. We are all ready to
start." Baba placidly said, "Mother, go home. Do not start today. Do not
even start tomorrow. Start the day after tomorrow. Do not ask why. Do
not consult anyone in this matter. Here, take this udi and go." My
mother did not hesitate a second or even take time to think. She said,
"Alright Baba, we will go the day after as you say." We unloaded the
carts and sent them off. The friends and relatives who had come to see
us off left for their homes. Later, Madhavrao saw the astrological
calendar and charts and said that the day was not an auspicious one for
(Contributed by continued.........)
On the morning of the third day, we again got ready to
travel. Baba cheerfully gave udi to each of us and came as far as the
highway to see us off. We reached Punthamba as planned and after bathing
and having a light repast got into the train and reached Bewoor by 8:00
a.m. We met Radhakrishna Ayi's group by nine a.m. That day we reached
Narsingpur by lunchtime and had the darshan of Sri Narsing Maharaj.
Starting again from there, we reached Pandharpur by the evening of the
next day. Cholera struck Pandharpur by the eleventh day of the waxing
moon and by the next day was raging throughout the town. Some of us
wanted to leave immediately for Shirdi but I was adamant that we should
stay till the day of the full moon. My mother was also scared. She met
the mamalatdar, Sri Nanasaheb Chandorkar, who was an ardent devotee of
Baba, and asked him to convince me to return to Shirdi. Nana Saheb sent
for Bala Shimpi and me and advised us to return immediately to Shirdi.
Baba knew that cholera would ravage Pandharpur, but seeing our
enthusiasm for the trip could not forbid us to go to Pandharpur."
(Contributed by Courtesy: Sai Patham) |
Two weeks ago I made a silent prayer to Baba and promised if there was
any news I will write back, amazingly on the first Thursday I had some
great news and the following Thursday many pending matters were coming
to a closure. Although the mission is not completed, I trust it will. I
humbly praise the Lord and hope all out there will have faith and leave
the rest to Baba.
You have blessed my wife with a healthy baby boy. You have also cleared
my loan problem. I have no words to thank you but still You know my
feelings towards you. Baba always be with me and my family and don't
leave us alone ever. Always shower your blessings on us. Thank you Baba.
Only yesterday I sent You my prayer to help my daughter getting job and
today she got a phone call that she has got this job. Baba thank you
very much for listening my prayer. I have full faith in you Baba, as You
never let down your devotee. Baba I always feel that You are always with
me and please be with all the time. And keep on showering Your blessings
like this.
Sai devotee
There was a naming contest to come up with a new name for a new product
at the company and I thought to myself I will contest and if I would win
I would donate the prize money to do annadanam on Sai's name. When I
contested and to my utter belief I won the prize and I am glad to have
the annadanam carried out. Glory to Sai.
Sai Ram to all. About two weeks ago I sent a letter to Sai Vichaar on
being miserable at my job. I was travelling very far in traffic etc. I
am going for an interview on Friday for a new job and it is only a short
distance from my home. I know Swami showed me the path and thank you
devotees for praying for me. My faith and love in Swami grows day by day
and His love for me is so evident in my everyday life. Swami what would
I be if You were not in my life. I will write a letter as soon as I get
a response on my interview. |
Sai Baba! my whole family is devotees to you. We all worship You with
clean Heart. My brother has been trying for a good job from long time.
His trials are not fruitful yet. Baba! I request you to please bless my
brother with a good job and decent pay and make him happy.
Baba, as you already know I have started 45 days puja for my marriage.
And now I want to concentrate on my work and to get better at things I
am doing now, please help me in making all this a success. There is
nothing I can do without Your blessings.
Sai devotee
Om Sai Nath, I am very much worrying about my son's future. Kindly show
him a wonderful path suiting to his mind and skills. Please fulfill my
I am very thankful to You for your blessings on Mr. Vivek regarding his
results of his final examinations. You have helped him to get a B.E.
seat as requested. Please be along with us and guide us to the right
A devotee
Om Sai Nath, Baba I know you are here and seeing each one of us. As you
know Baba I am going through trauma regarding my job, please do bless me
to retain in the company and give my best to the organization. Baba help
me in each and every stage of my life, as to that organization get an
impression that I do things in proper manner. Bless me Baba and show me
that You are there!! as to that my Sharadha will be more on You.
My Baba please make me a good man. I am always telling lies, and also
have bad habits and always in tension due to my bad habits. Now I am in
great financial problem, what will I do now? I always need other,s help
why? Please give peace to my mind, I want to face my problems myself.
Please keep my family safe. Please forgive me.
Krishna Kumar
Baba, please help me in finding a decent and nice job. My son and
daughter are too young and I have to give them a good education. My
father is to undergo an eye operation. All this is possible only if I
have a good job and financial position. Baba, I know You are with us
forever. Please help us. Om Sai Ram.
Baba, I am your son and I don't know how to pray. Please help us and
bless me for success in BCA exam. Please forgive me if I have done any
mistakes while praying to You. Please my Sai Baba, grace upon me.
I am blessed with a wonderful husband who loves me and our baby very
much. However he has the habit of smoking and though he is not a chain
smoker would want him to give up this vice. We've tried explaining to
him the bad effects of smoking and even though he says he will give up
the habit he is unable to do so. Sai, he too is your bhakta hence only
You can persuade him to renounce this habit. Om Sai I have full faith in
your working and am sure you will relieve your bhakt of this bad habit.
Om Sai Ram, may you always guide and protect us.
I bow to our Sai to grant me and bless both my brothers and me to settle
down in marriage and acquire bliss in new houses. Since loss of my
mother, both have been very distressed and had to change life styles. I
truly wish for our Sai to grant his most loved bliss and walk with us in
all our endeavors.
Baba, You gave me happiness in ten folds but Baba these days I am very
tensed and I know that You know what it is. Please Baba bless me with my
love and his son for the rest of my life. I shall never ever ask for
anything. Baba please come around for me and bless me. Baba help.
Oh Sai ! You helped us in several ways. Recently you pulled out our
Father from the jaws of death. You saved us from several difficulties.
My brother's wife is staying away from him for several years. His two
daughters are also kept away from him. He is lonely and suffering a lot
because of this separation. He is a stauch devotee of You. We all tried
to unite them but not succesful. Please Baba unite them by showering
Your grace on them and end his suffering. |
This week when I was reading Sai Satcharitra I was somehow remembering
the Shabads and Kirtans, which were sung by Bhai Amarjeet Singh at
Memphis Gurudwara, which I used to visit regularly while I was working
in Memphis. Since it has been a long time since I read Shri Guru Grantha
and I was remembering shabads only after I re-started reading Sai
Satchratira last week so I thought it will be a good idea to read Shri
GuruGrantha along with my daily reading of Sai Satcharitra.
While I was reading Shri Guru Grantha, I found most of
the sayings are similar to what is said in Shri Ramcharitramanas but as
it happens with any spiritual endeavor some negative thoughts cropped up
in my mind after reading some passages which were not in alignment with
my beliefs and I thought whether I should continue reading it or not?
Today I got my answer via Sai Newsletter (Sept 28th
Issue), which had following passage:
"Spiritual pursuit does not necessarily have to be confined to one
particular way or a particular thought. How is it possible to realize
the all-pervading conscious by a pursuit that confines one to a
particular practice or faith? Such a practice may be fruitful as long as
one realizes its limitation and yearn to grow beyond the confines of
human convenience. God blesses such souls."
This re-confirmed to me that Baba always encourage good
thoughts, spiritual reading and has unique ways through which he
resolves doubts and helps in spiritual progress of an individual.
The incident I am about to narrate, in a way relates to the recent Sai
Bhajan programs that were held in some of the major cities of US. I live
in a small town, far away from all the cities where these programs were
held. In the past few issues of Sai Vichaar, I have read how some of the
lucky Sai Bhaktas have enjoyed an evening of Sai Bhajans. Each time,
after reading, I felt dejected for not been able to attend any of those
programs and earnestly asked Baba when will I get a chance to hear them.
Last Sunday, while I was finishing some urgent work in my office, out of
the blue, a couple we know, visited our house with an invitation to
attend an evening of Bhajans at their house. As I was at work, they left
the invitation with my wife with an earnest request that we all should
attend. My friend, though an Indian, is Christian and they had invited a
group who sings Devotional music dedicated to Lord Jesus in Hindi. The
group is American (Caucasian) but most of them were born and raised in
India where, their parents were working as Missionaries. After coming
back from work, I saw the invitation, and see the power of Maya, I was
totally oblivious to my previous request to Sai for an opportunity to
attend Bhajans and showed no excitement to attend. Rather, I told my
wife that she should definitely go with the kids and left my own plans
ambiguous. But as our Sai works in his own ways, in the evening, my
friend specifically called to reiterate that I should attend. As it
happens all the time, the week flew away and it was Friday, the day of
the event. I was busy and told my wife that she should go with the kids
and I won't be able to make it, due to pending work. But Sai, the
benevolent one, was working hard to fulfill my wishes, though I had
totally forgotten about it. It was only His leela that my worked
finished by 5 and I called my wife and told her that I will come along.
Till that time I was totally unaware to the fact that it is Sai who is
fulfilling my wishes.
We left home and reached on time and as I was about to enter their
house, I saw a car parked in their driveway with the "SAI" plates. As
soon as I saw that plate I was overwhelmed and everything became crystal
clear. I immediately realized that it is my Baba's magic that has worked
on fulfilling my wish for a live evening of Bhajans. Throughout the
recital I could feel that Sai was everywhere and the message conveyed
was the same- "Why Fear when I am Near". After the concert ended, I
asked my hostess about the idea behind organizing this event and she
told me that they have been thinking about this for the last three years
but it has never materialized and all of a sudden everything fell in
place and they have been able to host this event. I believe that Baba
fulfilled my wish to attend live Bhajans in his own mysterious ways with
the organization of this event.
I had applied for my parent's visa and when I spoke to my other friends
who were students and who were trying to bring their parents to the USA,
I started to realize most of the visas were rejected, however I
desperately wanted my parents to come and stay with me. I ordered for a
Shirdi Sai Baba poster online three weeks before their interview and
something kept telling me, if you get the poster it'll be a cake walk
for your parents to get to the US, unfortunately the poster which was
supposed to come in four days took days and days together. I didn't lose
hope until the date of the visa interview. To my surprise I got the
poster on the day of their interview, I was pretty confident then. In
the night (morning in India) I finished my Sai bhajan and aarthi and
something kept telling me "finish the Sheja aarthi and you will get a
call at 12:00 am which is 10:30 am Indian time" anda miracle, as soon as
the aarthi was over, I got a call at 12:00 am sharp from my parents
saying they got through and it was very simple. |
"The love that a chaste woman bears to her husband is
sometimes compared to that which a disciple bears to his Master
(Guru). Yet the former falls far short of the latter, which is
incomparable"-Shri Sai Satcharitha
Q. Question of the week given below....
A. by Nainesh
Q. Although He was the personification of Brahman then
why did Baba say that Maya troubles even Him?
A. When the Lord Hari's Maya pursues this world and all
its things in it are all Mayaic then whoever takes birth on this earth,
be it then a human, god or any other creature. Baba has said this Maya
has not even let go of the gods then what to speak of a fakir like me.
We all are affected by this Maya some have attachment to wife, sons,
etc, this is Maya. When Lord Rama loved his brother Bharat or Hanuman
etc again what is this but Maya. Lord Krishna feels love for his friend
Sudama again it is a form of Maya. Sai baba love and affection for his
devotees like Madhavrao is a form of Maya. So when even gods like our
Baba are effected by Maya it is just a form of there leela to show us
how they are also governed by the rules of Maya they have created. They
also show us how to disentangles ourselves from it by out devoted
service to the Lord.
Q. Question of the week given below....
A. by Usha
Q. Although He was the personification of Brahman then
why did Baba say that Maya troubles even Him?
A. Om Sai Ram - Shri Sainath although was the replica of
Brahma still suffered from the clutches of Maya because it was his love
for all his bhaktas whose pain makes him cry, when he sees that his
followers suffering for their past deeds he cannot help them and it
makes him more sad because he always says everybody have to suffer for
their karma it may be in this life or in the next life, that is the
reason Sai says to his bhaktas " do good to others, do not hurt, help
others, follow your guru he can help you" Thus Sainath is the supreme
god whose presence can be felt strongly in our day-to-day life.
Q. Question of the week given below....
A. by Nandini
Q. Although He was the personification of Brahman then
why did Baba say that Maya troubles even Him?
A. Aum bhukthi-mukthi-svargaapavarga-dhaaya namah
Obeisance to Shri Sainath who is the bestower of pleasures, salvation
and bliss and ultimate beatitude.
As has been mentioned in the Satcharitra, the saints, when they live
amidst the human beings, cry and laugh the way we do, but inwardly they
are ever awake to their duties and mission. By saying that Maya teases
Him, I think Baba speaks about the difficulty in getting rid of this
Maya. Just when we think we have gotten rid of it, there it is - as the
subtle "Ahankaar", lurking its head behind. Thus, if a saint Himself
says Maya troubles Him, we come to realize the importance and the
difficulty of coming out of this web of illusion. We become more
cautious and conscious of our actions and try to take refuge in Him, by
whose Grace alone we can be successful in our attempt. |
Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois,
Shirdi Sai temple is open daily from 7:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Summer
hours). Daily program includes Kakad Arathi at 7 a.m. followed by
Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12:00 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6:00 p.m. and
Shej Arathi at 9:00 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored
poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for
yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can request
water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an
email or by phone. Temple is located 25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg
on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road in Hampshire, IL. For more
information please call 847-931-4058 or send email to maildrop@....
Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Saibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted at Shirdi Saibaba
Prayer center since the year 2002. Now, with the grace and blessings of
Baba and the support of devotees, a new Saibaba Mandir has begun to
function at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis from July 11th 2006. Please
visit for all details.
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth,
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West
Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and
activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the
Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area, CA
By Baba's grace, Shirdi Sai Parivaar is pleased to announce the grand
opening of Shirdi Sai Center in Bay Area. The center is located at 897-B
East Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information please call
408-564-6704 or 408-705-7904. |
Sai Vichaar thanks you for your support for the Question
of the Week feature. This feature is intended to initiate useful
discussion on topics related to Sai philosophy, His message, and Sai
devotion. Please send your suggested topics for the same.
The "Question of the week" for this week is suggested by
devotee Radhakrishna as follows,
Q. Baba being personification of Brahman said that Maya
was bothering Him and that it was very difficult even for Him to get out
of its clutches. Why did He say so?
Humbly Yours,
The Editor |
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