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 Latest:  Sai news

  • Sai Darshan news 31st march: "...Many devotees sitting inside the bhajan mandir were bit saddened since Swami didn’t come inside the bhajan mandir but devotees sitting in Sai Kulwant hall did get an extended darshan of our beloved Swami...."   Read more   

  • Photos & highlights of Sai Baba's Ugadi discourse: "...Swami also talked about anger, a disease that all of us suffer from. He said that "Anger is necessary for man but you should not express anger on an unnecessary matter..."   Read more   


  • Selected articles & photos - sourced from Heart to Heart::

    Prashanti Diary: Record of Events From Mar 9th - Mar 30th 2006 including Holi & Ugadi Celebrations & photos 

    B. Musings From Prashanthi Nilayam - What should we learn from Lingodbhavam?

    C. Christianity - Be a good Christian… A true Christian… … A better Christian…


  • Sai Darshan news 30th march: Morning: "....Bhagawan, to the surprise and enormous delight of all devotees, entered Sai Kulwant Hall, dressed in a bright yellow robe...."   Read more           Sai theme - Ugadi e-greeting cards 

  •   Sai Darshan news 30th march: Evening "....Swami blessed all present with a divine discourse in His sweet nectar like voice. Nearly an hour long divine discourse..."   Read more  
    Also read:  Prashanthi Bulletin 29th-30th March


  • Aries, Taurus, Gemini... What awaits you this Ugadi -Year 2006  


  • Are we the chosen ones?: "...Once Swami was sitting with the students around Him. Suddenly He asked a strange question. "I am going to give Sai Gita (Swami's pet elephant) to you. Tell me who wants her? Who will take her?"..  Read more  


  • Sai Vichaar: is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday -March 30, 2006 :: Volume 8, Issue 46

  • Sai Darshan news 29th march: "...Festival or an ordinary Wednesday, King of Kings, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s court is always full of activities and festivities. Today Secondary school presented a drama...".... - ...Prof. Anil Kumar made 2 announcements about tomorrow’s Ugadi program..
         Read more      


  • Sai Darshan news 28th march: "..Swami's new house is shinning bright since it is decorated with colourful light bulbs. Preparations are on for the lunch on 30th i.e. Thursday..."Read more   


  • Chinna Katha: Leave What Must Be Left


  •  Devotees experience -   Wish fulfilling Sai Baba

  • Sai Darshan news 27th march: "...Swami sat on the dais so everyone in Kulwant Hall could feast their eyes with divine darshan for quite sometime..."Read more    

  • Rare moment 3 - Rare Photo of life size statue of Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba

  • Sai Darshan news 24th march: ".....Swami got down near interview room and proceeded directly to the bhajan mandir (Bhajan Hall) . Swami spent at least 15 minutes with ...."Read more   "   

    Also read:
     Prashanthi Bulletin 23rd-24th March

  • Sai Inspires - 26th March 2006 "When so much practice and effort are required to achieve success in games like tennis, how much more effort is needed to succeed in the game of life!" + HOW MUCH SALARY DOES A MAN REALLY NEED?


  • Sai Darshan news 23rd march: "...Swami created 2 rings and gave one to (MBA boy student) Ganesh, he is by all accounts a very good dancer. Another ring was gifted to.... Read more   "

    Also, enclosed in today's darshan news:Reminiscence of Prof. (Mrs.) Jayalakshmi Gopinath


  • Oka Chinna Katha ("One little story") : .."Spiritual practice lies in living up to at least a few of those precepts that you read and listen.. Read more   ."    Small stories. Big Impact.


  • Sai Darshan news 22nd march: Evening Swami came at 4:00 p.m. also today Swami spent good deal of time with music college boys inside the bhajan mandir; Swami was in bhajan hall for more than 1 hour. Bhajans went on till 5:35. after that Swami took Arati,
    and retired to His abode.


  • Sai  Prayer:  A prayer dedicated to Sai


  • 8th World Conference: Report and pictures of the Eighth World Conference  
    "...Mr. Leonardo Gutter
    ....So that afternoon, I was feeling very sad, because I thought that Swami would not remember me. And even if He remembered, He would not be able to find me in the large crowd. However, when He came out He did not leave the verandah, but just looked straight to where I was sitting, pointed and said, "you." I stood up, and He said "go!...." Read more   


  • Sai Darshan news 21st march: Today Morning Swami didn’t come for darshan to Kulwant Hall however, Swami did come (appx. 9:00 a.m.) out and went straight to His new residence. Consequently, very few devotees on the ladies side had his darshan. In the evening Swami came later than His usual darshan routine at 5.20 p.m.... read more   

  • Sai Baba explains - Maya:  "....The students had gathered all around Swami and were very
    excited. They asked Swami if they could take the ring over to the
    window in order to see it more clearly......"

  • Sai website : Sri Sarva Dharma Samanvaya Trust    Sai Photos link
  • Sai Darshan news 20th march: "....Swami was in bhajan mandir for more than 1hour: 30 minutes. Devotees sitting inside the bhajan mandir enjoyed superb divine darshan indeed..."read more   


  • Sai & you : "Sai can reach each falling tears. He sees the heart that needs a cheer. He knows the path that's hard and dear. Don't ever give up coz He is near... "read more   

  • Sai Darshan news 19th march: "....Before long, a little boy came walking inside the bhajan mandir, with folded hands; to everyone’s surprise, it was the same student...."read more   

  • Sai Sundaram-Heart to Heart: selected article: A PRASANTHI NILAYAM IN CHENNAI


  • Sai Darshan news 18th march: "....The boys followed Swami’s order and walked towards Interview room with their musical instruments.
    After a short while, Swami got up,..."


  • 17th march Latest
    Photographs: images of Sai Baba from the drama bhakta kavi prajapati - Prasanthi Nilayam

  • 12 Principles for 'TODAY': Today i more 


  • Sai Darshan news 17th march: "...The students also showed some pictures to Swami, they spent almost half an hour with Bhagawan...." read more   


  • 16th march: Photographs: Images of Holi Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam

  • 16th march Sai darshan news from Puttaparthi: ."..Swami called a boy
    and started talking to him. Swami started by inquiring, how are you? The boy got up from 3rd line & went close to Swami...."
    read more    [ Also free download of "Sai Heart" ]


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