Devotees and tourists seeking cures for ailments and help with domestic
problems have been flocking to a Durban home said to be blessed by the
miracles of Sai Baba.
Kay Pillay, 59, owner of the home in Silverglen, Chatsworth, said the
miracles began 11 years ago when honey started forming on a framed
picture of Sai Baba.
"We knew it was the miracle of Baba, because we heard of it happening
elsewhere. Soon we saw ash on the walls, kungu (coloured powder),
turmeric powder, holy water, brass statues of deities, sugar candy,
dates, prunes, cloves and coloured string representing the different
deities," said Pillay.
He said brass figurines representing deities appeared on auspicious
religious days.
"I believe we are highly blessed. This is Baba's way of asking us to
help others," said Pillay, a former supervisor at a packaging company.
The room where Baba's miracles are said to take place has been
converted into a shrine by the Pillays.
Visitors can see honey dripping across a framed picture of Sai Baba,
and two red velvet-covered throne-like chairs with a little stool from
which ashen footprints lead to a burning lamp. On the floor are
offerings of sweetmeats by devotees.
Pillay said every Wednesday and Saturday Baba's footprints are washed
from the carpet and everything is cleaned. The following day, the powder
and footprints reappear.
Dr Thillayvel Naidoo, a former lecturer in the science of religion at
the University of Durban-Westville and author of Sai Baba, An Analysis
of Documented Manifestation, said it was difficult to explain such