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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY as written at Prasanthi Nilayam Today

Lord Buddha's emphasis was entirely on purity in every aspect of daily life. Purity in vision, purity in thought, purity in speech and purity in action. He considered the spirit of sacrifice as the true Yajna (sacred offering). Sacrifice is the means for attaining Nirvana, freedom from the bondage of mundane existence. Buddha was totally opposed to anyone being forced to lead a worldly life against his will. The Buddhist prayer must be properly understood. When the Buddhists say: "Buddham sharanam gachchaami, Dharmam sharanam gachchaami, Sangham sharanam gachchaami," the real meaning of the prayer is: One must divert one’s Buddhi (intellect) towards Dharma (right conduct). And right conduct should be aimed at serving society. When this is done, society gets purified.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Monday, May 16, 2011
Karma (action), really speaking, is the practice of Dharma (right conduct). The Upanishads (scriptures) give us guidance on what has to be done and what should be avoided on the spiritual journey. Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah: Dharma protects those who protect it, say the scriptures. If people come forward to foster the sources of Dharma, that good act, by itself, will help foster those who practice it. The scriptures direct us to revere the mother, father, preceptor and guest as God and also, warn us that Truth and Right Conduct should never be neglected. So, there are both positive and negative instructions—follow these counsels, not others. Whatever conduces to your progress in goodness, accept them; avoid other counsels—thus instruct the scriptures.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011
Everything in this world is ephemeral, transitory; it is here today but may not be here tomorrow. So, if you want to crave something wholeheartedly, seek the Lord, who has no decline. In this transitory life, joy and pain are also perforce transitory. The self-same Lord gives and takes as and when He wishes. Everything is His, so how foolish it is to lament when things belonging to Him are taken back by Him! Therefore, the wise person doesn’t pine over anyone or feel undue attachment to anything. Let all the pining and all the attachment be for the Lord; He alone is eternal, the source of all joy. Love a person as a person, not more. If you love them more, it is a sign that you have been deceived about their real nature. You can behave only for a short time as if the house you have rented is your own! For, as soon as the lease period is over, it passes on to another.
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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Divine is the only kith and kin of the Yogis (spiritually advanced souls). They know no other. They do not entertain any other urge, attachment, or desire. God is their all in all. They will not be affected by grief or joy, failure or success. They experience only one unbroken, unchallenged stream of bliss. For those firmly established in this state, the world and its ups and downs appear trivial and illusory. They counter the pulls of the senses and face the fascinations of the world without any agitation of mind. They are also vigilant against the temptations held before them by the senses, and turning them aside, they approach the Divine and seek strength and solace there. Their actions, thoughts, and words reveal the vision they have experienced. This is the Paramartha Drishti, the Supravision, where all the five elements are present as the Divine itself and all beings, man, beast, bird, and worm are emanations from God and therefore fully Divine.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Friday, May 13, 2011
Prakriti (Nature) is the basis of everything in the universe. It is the basis of creation and existence. Men and women, beasts and birds, trees and plants, are all inseparable from nature. In this endless creation, the active element is the Purusha, the Lord. This truth has to be experienced, so that it will not slip away from consciousness, and the discipline needed for this is repetition of the Divine Name and meditation. This Prakriti is like a sea. When the sea becomes slightly rough, ships turn into hollow reeds. You can never cross this sea by your own effort, alone. The Lord’s grace is essential. So pray for that raft of Divine grace, and when you secure it, you can reach the shore in a trice.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011

Education sans wisdom, wisdom bereft of discrimination, action without discretion, erudition lacking sagacity, power not justified by credentials, statements not based on truth, music wanting in melody, adoration not sustained by devotion, a person devoid of common sense and character, a student not endowed with humility - these serve no useful purpose. In addition to knowledge derived from the sacred texts, one should earn wisdom through experience. Knowledge without personal experience is futile.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dwell always on noble thoughts. When air fills a balloon, it takes the form of the balloon. The mind assumes the form of the objects with which it is attached. If it gets fixed on petty things, it becomes petty; if on grand things, it becomes grand. The camera takes a picture of whatever it is pointed at; so take care before you click. Discriminate before you develop attachment. When you develop attachment towards family, wealth, properties, etc., you will come to grief when these decline. But if you develop attachment towards God, you will grow in love and splendour.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It is pure love that bestows liberation. You should endeavour to attain this holistic love. To attain liberation, people undertake all sorts of spiritual practices, but love is the undercurrent of all spiritual endeavours. Bhakti (devotion) is a spiritual practice based on love. Devotion is not merely singing Bhajans or performing sacred rituals. True devotion is a direct flow of selfless and unconditional love from your heart to God. In the spiritual practices that people undertake, there is some amount of selfishness. Offer your love to God devoid of the least trace of selfishness or desire. The annihilation of desire is verily liberation.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Monday, May 09, 2011
The recognition of one's innate Divinity and the regulation of one's daily life in accordance with that Truth are the guiding stars for those who are caught in the currents and cross currents of strife and struggle. Without that Atma Jnana (spiritual awareness), life becomes a meaningless farce, a mockery. It is the acquisition of that awareness that makes life earnest, sweet and fruitful.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Sunday, May 08, 2011
Godhead expressed itself initially as the five elements: the sky, the wind, the fire, the water and the earth. All creation is but a combination of two or more of these in varying proportions. The characteristic natures of these five elements are: sound, touch, form, taste and smell, cognized by the ear, the skin, the eye, the tongue and the nose. Now, since these are saturated with the divine, one has to use them reverentially and with humility and gratitude. Use them intelligently, to promote the welfare of others and yourself; use them with moderation and in the loving service of the community.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]

Date: Saturday, May 07, 2011
Dharma is universal. There is a test that may be applied to any action to determine if it is according to Dharma. Let not your deeds harm or injure another. This flows from the recognition that the divine spark is the same in every form, and if you injure another you are injuring the same divinity that is in yourself. Dharma enables you to come to the recognition that anything that is bad for another form is also bad for you. The test of Dharmic action is stated very clearly in saying: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Friday, May 06, 2011
Revere your mother and Motherland. This is the teaching that our scriptures have been propagating since ages. The Vedas say “Maathru devo bhava”, revere your mother as God. This applies even to your country of birth, your motherland. Revere your country and follow its culture. Revere your mother, who has brought you up with love, care and sacrifice. However famous one may be, if one does not revere one’s mother, one is not deserving of respect. A person whose heart is so hard that it does not melt at the pleadings of the mother deserves nothing but ridicule.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Thursday, May 05, 2011

Cultivate the atmosphere of love and cooperation, and you can ensure joy for ever more. Seek ways of working together for the common good. Ahamkaaram and Mamakaaram - the sense of I and Mine - these scotch love and cooperation. Reduce them to the minimum and then start serving the needy and the distressed. Service is best built on the strong foundation of Tat Tvam Asi (That thou art). There is no other; there is only One. Many kites fly high; but the same air keeps all of them aloft. The pots of water in which the Sun is reflected may be many, but the Sun is One and remains unaffected even when the pots break or the water is dried up. Understand that all help you render is therefore help given to yourself; all service is to the Self alone.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Atma is like the control room. Once you gain access to the ‘control room’, all your senses and the mind will be under your control. When the main switch of the house is turned on, the bulbs in all the rooms will glow. The Atma is like the main switch and the senses are like the bulbs in different rooms. These rooms are of your own making. Each room is separated from the other by a wall. Once the walls are demolished, only one big hall remains. Body attachment is like the wall that separates one from the other and which comes in the way of realizing the Self. Once this wall is broken down, you will realize the infinite and immortal Self.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Love should not be rationed, on the basis of caste, creed or economic status, or intellectual attainment of the recipient. It should flow full and free, regardless of consequence, for, it is one's nature of love, to seek out the dry dreary wastes, which love can water and make fertile.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Monday, May 02, 2011
Like food to a starving man, like showers on a parched field, the Vedic science of spiritual self-discovery is the life-giving succour for a society that is sliding down to destruction having lost its hold on truth, morality, peace and love. You are the instruments in the spread of Vedic truth among the farthest corners of this vast land; you are the chosen ones! You have to show by precept and by example that the path of self-realization is the path to perfect joy. On you lies a great responsibility; the responsibility of demonstrating by your calmness, composure, humility, purity, virtue, courage and conviction under all circumstances, that the Sadhana (spiritual practices) you follow has made you a better, happier and more useful person. Practice and demonstrate, do not simply assert in words and deny in deeds.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]


Date: Sunday, May 01, 2011

Saturate every breath of yours with love. Love knows no fear. Fear drags man into falsehood, injustice and evil. Love does not crave for praise. Only those who have no Love in them itch for reward and reputation. Love is its own reward. When you are eager to place offerings before the Lord, let it be love instead of mere material objects. Love is no merchandise; do not bargain about its cost. Let it flow clear from the heart, as a stream of Truth, a river of wisdom. Let it not emanate from the head, nor from the tongue. Let it emerge, full and free, from the heart.

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[ Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam  - En Español ]






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